Angie Bolin

Angie has a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education and Early Childhood and a Masters Degree in Gifted Education. She has been a classroom teacher for 29 years and has instructed adult education for 15 years. In addition to specializing in custom trainings to fit the needs of your staff, she is a CDA Professional Development Specialist. Angie lives in Troy, OH with her husband and two children where she enjoys watching her children participate in high school sports.

Chris Britton

Job Titles:
  • Director of a NAEYC
Chris has been a child care director of a NAEYC accredited site, teacher and Children's Librarian all with a focus on parent engagement and professional development. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Education from Ohio University and a Masters in Education and Library/Media Multiage Licensure from Wright State University. Her favorite topic to teach is early literacy and you can often find her curled up with a great book.

Philip Ferrari

Philip Ferrari has over 10 years experience in early and adolescent education, grant writing/ management and program evaluation. Philip has served as a High School History Teacher, University Researcher, Community Development Director, and Program Evaluator with some of the largest universities and non-profits in Dayton, OH. Through these experiences, Philip has learned to empathize and understand the perspectives of multiple stakeholders simultaneously. The primary value of evaluation comes from developing solutions collaboratively within teams. Philip has become adept in empowering educators, administrators, parents, and students to contribute meaningful insights to increase educational impact and program quality. When Philip isn't writing lofty idealistic bio statements, you'll find him playing guitar or attempting to make something both functional & beautiful in his wood shop.