F8 WELL CENTERS - Key Persons

Dr. Ben Galyardt - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
Dr Ben Galyardt, D.C. is the Founder and CEO of F8 Well Centers, and The Galyardt Method. He is also a world recognized speaker in Neurofeedback and Brain Regeneration. After successfully treating thousands of patients in his Colorado office he decided to bring his Galyardt Method to other parts of the country by opening satellite offices. He now leads and teaches his Galyardt Method to all of our new doctors across the country while also working one on with patients. Dr. Galyardt grew up in an active family that stressed the importance of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle so they were shocked when that all changed his Junior Year of High School. In the middle of his high school football game his mom collapsed and had to be carried to the emergency room. The following months were filled with doctor visits and tests. She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system that disrupts the flow of information within the brain and between the brain and body. Conforming to the traditional medical route to treat the disease, she was prescribed every drug available with little to no success. She resigned herself to the aid of a cane to walk and an electric cart to grocery shop. Eventually she realized she needed something more than medication. Looking for other alternatives to treat her disease, Dr. Galyardt's mother decided to see a Functional Medicine doctor. It changed her life. She became empowered to take an active role in learning about her body and it's ability to heal itself. Because of the Functional Medicine methods, the last MRI results showed zero plaque left on the spine or brain. The Neurologist was dumbfounded and could not comprehend how her body had stopped the damage, and reversed the scarred areas. She is now able to shop, fish, hike and take care of her 7 grandchildren, all done without the mainstream medications prescribed for MS. Dr Ben was hooked on learning more about Functional Medicine which incorporates the latest in genetic science, systems biology, as well as an understanding of how environmental and lifestyle factors influence the emergence and progression of disease. He has spent the rest of his life learning these methods from the top name doctors across the country. He was an expert in Functional Medicine before it was even called Functional Medicine. Dr. Galyardt's Board Certifications, Degrees and Training include: Board Certified in Integrative Medicine Certified Neurofeedback Practitioner International College Applied Kinesiology (AK) Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) Certification Trigenics Practitioner Certified by the American Functional Institute in Functional Neurology Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (AMIT) Autonomic Response Testing (ART) by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt Bachelors from Syracuse University in Health and Exercise Science Graduated from Parker College of Chiropractic in Dallas, Texas CEO and Founder of F8 Well Centers in Fort Collins Colorado and Tennessee

Michelle Galyardt

Job Titles:
  • Life Empowerment Coach
  • Vice President F8
Michelle is a Life Empowerment Coach, exercise professional, author, and motivational speaker working with individuals, groups, and online programs to help empower people to make positive changes for their health and mentality. After being a competitive gymnast for 14 years, Michelle went to Syracuse University and earned her Bachelor's of Science Degree in Health and Exercise Science as well a Master's of Science Degree in Exercise Physiology. She is a Certified Muscle Activation Technique Specialist (MAT), and taught yoga and Pilates for 15 years before becoming a Certified Level One Crossfit Trainer. Michelle has always had a fascination with the way the mind works and how people interact in relationships, which is why she did her extensive training as a Life Transformation and Relationship coach. She uses her knowledge and training as a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistics Programming, Hypnotherapy, Dream Sculpting, Time Line Therapy and Past Life Regression to help people deal with trauma and fears. Michelle is the creator of MindCore®, and the MindCore Method, a technique which incorporates her belief that true health is created with the way we think. As the name implies, she believes that the Mind is at the Core of all healing and true health. Our Mentality Creates our Reality. After escaping from her own victim mentality, Michelle recognizes and relates to those who let their mind control their life in a negative way and helps them flip that switch to healthy thinking. Michelle is also the mother of four growing boys. When she is not helping to educate and empower the world she is spending time with her family in their Colorado lake house. Her boys enjoy everything that can be done in the Colorado outdoors…travel, camping, hiking, tenkara fly fishing, archery and shooting. She enjoys working out with her husband in their gym and escaping to the ocean when she can. She believes that true health and empowerment comes from within and is achievable for everyone. She is the author of the book The MindCore Workout: Interval Train for a Healthy Brain as well as her second edition Interval Train for a Healthy Brain She combined her experience as both a patient who recovered from serious cognitive decline, as well as an exercise professional to create The MindCore Method.

Stephen Camiolo

Job Titles:
  • Director of F8 Operations
Born and raised in northern New Jersey. Stephen graduated with Magna Cum Laude Honors from Seton Hall University in 2009 with a Business Administration and Finance degree. After graduation, Stephen moved to Tennessee to pursue a career in teaching people about health and fitness. For over 6 years Stephen served as the Clinical Director for Revolution Health Center, one of the largest natural health facilities in the Southeast. There he helped thousands of individuals and families by improving their quality of life through Chiropractic care, proper nutrition and exercise. Upon moving to TN, Stephen took up the sport of CrossFit. As a CrossFit competitor for 5 years (2009 - 2013); he qualified for regional competition as an individual competitor for three years, and then as a team competitor for two years. Stephen then shared his love of fitness by opening and coaching hundreds of individuals at Revolution Fitness, the first MaxT3 Fitness Center in the state of TN. Stephen managed the successful sale of two businesses to new ownership; Revolution Fitness (2016) and Revolution Health Center (2017). Since then he has been consulting on business systems and the best practices with natural health offices around the country. Stephen currently lives in Murfreesboro, TN with his beautiful wife Catherine and their three children, who are the lights of his life. Stephen is an avid golfer, enjoys hiking, and scuba diving. He is passionate about anything that challenges him mentally and physically. He loves sharing his love of health, God and fitness with all he has the privilege of working with.