Christina Chiara Solbach - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Christina is from Germany, 34 years old and based in the south of Portugal since 2015. From an early age onwards, she has always had the strong desire to contribute to environmental conservation. After her Bachelors in Geography, she worked in various jobs in different countries in the field of natural sciences, diving and wildlife watching, often with a focus on conservation and research. The past 5 years she settled in the south of Portugal (Algarve), studied Marine Science and is driven by her passion and concern about the ocean to found Fishing4Ghosts.

Moritz Klaassen

Job Titles:
  • Marine Outreach Manager
Moritz is a recent graduate of marine sciences focusing on applied ecology with particular interest in the application of conservation measures in the marine environment. Since he attended the University of the Algarve in Portugal in 2017 and discovering his passion for the Portuguese coastlines, he consistently returns to Portugal in recent years. He is writing marine outreach articles for Fishing4Ghosts aiming to sensibilize the public about the problem of ghost gear pollution in our oceans.

Terezia Pisonova

Job Titles:
  • Digital Designer