Golden Anikwe

Job Titles:
  • Founder and CEO of the Co - Operative Support Services Limited
  • Its Partners and Professional Staff Members
1. The Founder Golden Anikwe is a co-operative practitioner of international exposure. Golden is the founder and CEO of The Co-operative Support Services Limited, Ireland which for years promoted the establishment of co-operatives among ethnic minorities; training their members and staff as well as guiding these co-operatives in their operations.

Mr. Geoffrey Usir Okpo

Job Titles:
  • General Manager
Mr. Geoffrey is an IT Expert, with great love and passion for innovation and tech, a graduate of Computer Science ( from University of Port Harcourt, in Rivers State. Improving his expertise as a tech-savvy, Geoffrey is hands on with OCA/OCP, MCITP, and also proficient in systems analysis and design using Unified Modeling Language (UML), Web and Mobile Apps development using emerging technologies. Geoffrey who embraced tech in his early days in the university, started development in 2008, his highly experienced in mobile, stand-alone and web applications for private companies and government establishments. With his outstanding, resourceful and innovative skills in leadership, he has lead a team of developers to develop and deploy variety of systems including enterprise solutions for management and business analysis.

Ms Akilo Franca

Ms Akilo Franca is a graduate of English Language and Literature (Bachelor of Education) from the prestigious University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She was born in june 1992 and hails from Uzaku, Ukwa west local government of Abia state, Nigeria.

Prof. Seth Yaw Berko

Job Titles:
  • Project Coordinator