HORSE TIME - Key Persons

Adrian Bell

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Horse Time Board of Trustees
  • Commercial Lawyer and Partner
Adrian is a commercial lawyer and partner at Morton Fraser in Edinburgh. His areas of expertise include charities and the third sector, as well as education. His is a trustee of several other Scottish charities and is currently Chairman of the governors at Longridge Towers School.

Adrian Cleasby

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Horse Time Board of Trustees
Adrian has over 26 years of experience as an independent consultant in leadership, communication and personal development. He works with several leading business schools as well as numerous corporate, public sector, and not-for-profit organisations.

Ruth Devlin

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Horse Time Board of Trustees
A former nurse, Ruth moved to the Borders and set up a business working as a traditional upholsterer, latterly incorporating a family firebellows business. In 2014, Ruth set up a charity called Let's Talk Menopause in order to raise awareness, demystify and provide easy access to information and support.

Simon Bennett

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Horse Time Board of Trustees
After completing the Army's cavalry course, Simon joined the Light Cavalry, Honourable Artillery Company. A serving Colonel in the Army Reserve, Simon is Assistant Head, Personnel Strategy and takes a keen interest in the welfare of veterans. Simon is trustee of a number of charities as well as being treasurer of another Borders based charity.