Dr. Victor A. Balta

Job Titles:
  • Medical Director
For over 20 years working as a psychiatrist and an alcohol addiction specialist, Dr. Victor Balta created the special "real recovery" approach to 12 keys client care. Dr. Victor Balta has proven 12 keys recovery program to be focused on fun activities, personalized attention, and exposure to the outside world. This gives the patient the resources to learn how to live a sober fun life.

Isaak Stotts

Job Titles:
  • about Author
  • in - House Medical Writer in AddictionResource
Isaak Stotts is an in-house medical writer in AddictionResource. Isaak learned addiction psychology at Aspen University and got a Master's Degree in Arts in Psychology and Addiction Counseling. After graduation, he became a substance abuse counselor, providing individual, group, and family counseling for those who strive to achieve and maintain sobriety and recovery goals.

Keith Gillen

Job Titles:
  • Counselor
  • Primary Therapist
Helping patients recover from their addiction through a holistic and spiritual approach, Keith Gillen is a certified addiction counselor and ordained pastor. He helps the patients find inner peace spiritually as well as a life-affirming recovery.

Loretta Lukic

Job Titles:
  • Clinical Director
Loretta Lukic having 25 years of experience in the field of substance abuse specializes in giving the patients of 12 keys The utmost clinical care to help them recover. So far she has been doing a great job and the facility is honored to have her.