Updated 18 days ago
12301 Rojas El Paso, Texas 79936
Here at LOOP-10 PLAZA we are offering a unique opportunity to office users just like yourself to OWN your very own retail suite or office warehouse. No more dealing with rent hikes, property restrictions, or struggling with the hassle of moving your business from location to location. This opportunity, unlike any other offered in El Paso, will allow you to design your ideal space, invest in your location and take advantage of depreciation tax deductions and advantages of value appreciation... We are excited to introduce you to LOOP-10 PLAZA. Located on the corner of Interstate 10 and Loop 375. This new development is one of the most convenient shopping centers and office warehouse locations on Eastside El Paso. The two buildings have a striking contemporary design that can be seen from Loop 375 by the thousands of vehicles that drive by daily. The first building is ideal for a showroom or office user that would love to have additional storage or warehouse space. The second building..
Also known as: Loop 10, LLC, LOOP-10 PLAZA