Updated 87 days ago
  • ID: 49561941/9
723 Cameron House, White Cross Business Park, Cameron House, Lancaster LA1 4XF
LUVASITE is a trading name for LUVAQUOTE Ltd. We recently launched LUVAQUOTE Ltd as fully optimised trade website to feature top trades in every town in the UK. These ideas are born out of running WUKmedia, a web agency we have been running for over 15 years. We decided that we would brand everything around LUVAQUTE because it is A: Working so well. B: Would simplify things for our customers. The passion for design and SEO is as strong as ever, if not stronger. We have made mistakes in the past as we all do in business. But after 15 years we have fine tuned our services and we are confident and feel able to say we are now truly world experts in business web design and SEO. We do have another website called TargetPages™ which has yet more case studies and explains out Targeted SEO Approach. For example we can turn your underperforming 5 page website into a 500 page website with ALL page fully optimised to get found on Google with whatever service you provide and to cover any area in the..
Also known as: Luvaquote
Registration numbers: 06828596 (W), 12830386 (W)
Primary location: Lancaster United Kingdom
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Company, Other
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