Bryan Wentworth

Job Titles:
  • Accountant & Supply Manager
completed a Masters Degree from Auckland in Mechanical Engineering, specialising in composite materials, and has worked in this field for over 20 years. Tony also has specialist expertise in computational analysis of fibreglass structures. Accountant & Supply Manager Bryan Wentworth graduated as a Chartered Accountant from Auckland University of Technology in 1972. As well as his accounting knowledge, he has gained experience in transport, hydraulics and telecommunications industries. Bryan joined Maskell Productions Ltd as their accountant in 1992 and since then has also taken the role of Purchasing and Supply Manager for the business.

David Craig - Chairman, Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Chairman
  • Managing Director
graduated from Auckland University in Mechanical Engineering and completed post graduate work at McGill University, Montreal. David established Maskell in its present form in 1968, and has over 40 years experience in the plastics and fibreglass industry. Managing Director Don Craig graduated from Auckland University in Mechanical Engineering and has worked with Maskell since 1988. Don has a strong background in design and project management, and site supervision in multi-million dollar projects with over 20 years experience in the industry.

Tony Davis - VP of Sales

Job Titles:
  • Engineer
  • Sales Director
Sales Director/Engineer Tony Davis completed a Masters Degree from Auckland in Mechanical Engineering, specialising in composite materials, and has worked in this field for over 20 years. Tony also has specialist expertise in computational analysis of fibreglass structures.