Updated 14 days ago
- Age: 24 years
- ID: 49592322/25
34th Street (GAZ), Mahmood Abad Indastrial Zone, Esfahan, Iran
Niayesh Stone is one of the most well-known Pietra Grey Marble production center in Iran. To start with, let us take a brief view on Pietra Grey Marble. Pietra Grey Marble is a calcite grey marble. Uniform in appearance and compact, the tones of its base move very subtly between carbons and graphite. The alternation between very fine white streaks and barely perceptible linear slate-colored glazes provide animation and elegance... Niayesh Stone was established in the year 2001, benefiting the experience of great Iranian Quarry Extractor Pioneer Mr. Ghadam Ali Haji Hashemi (known in Iran as Ghadam Ghanbar), by Mr. Hamid Reza Haji Hashemi with the aim of promoting and growing export markets for processed and unprocessed slabs, tiles and blocks. Thus, Niayesh Stone Group is one of the most experienced and best known pietra grey marble factories and quarry owners in Iran. Plus, Mr.Hamid Reza Haji Hashemi is pietra grey marble quarry shareholder and a member of stone cutting employers..