KIEL HUGHES - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman
  • Director of Events
As a Hamilton-area native up to this point in his life, Kiel has seen many changes and witnessed many ups and down, however, he feels there is still a lot of work to be done, a lot of things still need to be improved. His road to social activism started when he was cast on a TV show; the impact he had on people pushed him to continue on this path. With a firm belief in equality, equity, anti-racism, anti-oppression, and human rights, Kiel has a desire to see and feel change. As a drag performer, Kiel uses drag as an outlet to help get his point of view across, to bring people together, to bring a smile to faces, and to encourage broadened thinking.

Leonard Miller

Leonard Miller is a black gay man originally from the Bahamas, where he served in different roles from Chairman to 2 Vice President. Mr. Miller was an active member of his community and also was one of many that wants to see the Bahamas become even more of a paradise with 2SLGBTQ rights, protections and freedoms, however, being here in Canada gave him a new opportunity to push for those same goals. Coming from a diverse background, Leonard looks to bring inspiration and motivation to our Pride Hamiton family. A Political Science major at Ontario Tech University and Organizational Chair for the Hamilton Centre Federal Liberal EDA. I believe that we all deserve love, fear treatment, equal access and respect.