Colette Condorcita

Job Titles:
  • Coach
  • Founder of the Decriminalize Nature Philly
Colette Condorcita is a shamanic coach, ceremony facilitator, hypnotherapist, teacher, and permaculture designer. Colette is also the founder of the Decriminalize Nature Philly campaign working to decriminalize entheogens in the city and is the founder of the Philadelphia Ayahuasca Church. You can find it here at

Greg Lawrence

Job Titles:
  • Integration and Transformational Coach
Greg Lawrence is a Psychedelic Integration and Transformational Coach and an active member of the Southern California psychedelic community. In addition to his private practice Greg works as a Psychedelic Integration Coach with:

Joël Brierre - President

Job Titles:
  • President
  • Founder & CEO of Kaivalya Kollectiv
Joël Brierre (aka: Joël the entheogenic yogi) is a pioneer in the modern psychedelic movement, and has years of experience in the realm of 5-MeO-DMT and the Bufo Alvarius toad. His unique approach of applying classical non-dual yogic philosophy for both the preparation and integration from the entheogenic experience gained attention from around the world at the first World Bufo Alvarius Congress (WBAC) in 2018 and continues to shift the landscape of psychedelic use. Joël leverages over a decade of retreat experience to curate a container that is designed to facilitate lasting change for participants. Drawing from a combination of timeless Eastern and contemporary Western integrative practices, Joël has ensured that Tandava Retreats give participants a container in which to safely unfold, explore the depths of their inner world, address underlying trauma, undergo cathartic release, and have the support system in place to help draw life-changing meaning from the experience.

Otto Maier

Job Titles:
  • Integration Coach

Shanda Catrice

Job Titles:
  • Intuitive Coach and Spiritual Wellness Practitioner
Shanda Catrice is an Intuitive Coach and Spiritual Wellness Practitioner. She is a Certified Reiki Energy Healer, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) trained Meditation Teacher, and a Psychedelic Integration Circle Facilitator who has over 10 years of experience in leading life-changing workshops, sacred circles, meditation classes and coaching retreats that have helped women create powerful transformation in their lives. She is passionate about sacred plant medicines as a channel for spiritual emergence, expansion, healing, and liberation. Her work and spiritual practices are rooted in shadow integration, attachment theory, and the ancestral and indigenous spiritual traditions of the African Diaspora.

Victoria Wueschner

Job Titles:
  • Head of Education
  • President of the Education Platform F.I.V.E
Victoria Wueschner's introduction to the world of healing was through plant medicine. She has always loved jumping into the deep end, which is why she attended seven consecutive ayahuasca ceremonies in 2012 and realized she had found her path. Victoria explored the world, working with different psychedelic plant medicines with indigenous and modern teachers. In 2016, she completed her Yoga teacher training in Bali, along with her levels one and two Reiki certification before returning home to Vancouver Island to share these gifts and deepen her fascination with plant medicines. After taking time to honor her own process and growth, Victoria stepped into the role of medicine practitioner with the goal of helping others on their own unique journeys. In early 2019 she completed her Kambo training and certification through IAKP in Thailand. Victoria proceeded to complete her training with the powerful medicine of the Bufo Alvarius toad, said to be the most powerful psychoactive experience known to man. Deeply moved by the force of this medicine, she immersed herself in the toad community, learning all she could in order to best serve those whose journey brought them to experience 5-MeO-DMT. Victoria is President of the education platform F.I.V.E., a Head Retreat Leader for Tandava Retreats, as well as Head of Education for Kaivalya Kollectiv. With a focus on using the hero's journey as a lens, Victoria assists participants to explore their own innermost workings and helps them unravel the very thought processes that have caused turbulence to their minds so they can enjoy a more peaceful state of mind.