Amanda came to join the Mutt Mobile team through her friend of 20+ years, Lea Gilinets. The two met while in Graduate School and immediately bonded over their love of dogs and desire to make a positive difference through communication. Growing up with dogs her whole life, Amanda knows the deep personal connection, joy, and unconditional love that comes from relationships with one's pet. Having a dog can also come with health challenges, and Amanda's dogs have experienced many. Amanda knows firsthand that having an honest, supportive and open team for your animal in any condition is a priority in overall well being for the animal and its family, that is why she joined The Mutt Mobile. Amanda has a gift for creating connections through the art of communication, but believes that there is no easier and better way of bringing people together on any topic than through the shared love of a dog! Amanda believes The Mutt Mobile Values and the greater opportunity to provide dogs and owners honest and beneficial services that can transform their lives for good. She hopes to continue to promote and drive forward Mutt Mobile partnerships and relationships for a long time to come. HER STRENGTHS


Job Titles:
  • CEO
Lea has always been an animal lover and wanted to help animals. In fact, her mother always thought she would become a veterinarian. As a child, she tried to rescue every lost puppy and would visit the animal shelter just to see the dogs. When Lea met Thor in 2017 she finally found her calling. Lea spent the next three years helping Thor regain his strength and his ability to walk again. She spent hours with Thor and his vets, learning everything she could about his mobility issues. This was where she learned all about the use and benefits of hydrotherapy, as it was essential to Thor's physical health and goals. When she realized just how many dogs could benefit from this scarce resource she began researching how she could bring the service to more dogs for health and ease of accessibility. Teaming up with a well-respected underwater treadmill company she and her team have created a fully contained, mobile treadmill. Going forward Lea looks forward to growing the business with the goal to make underwater treadmill therapy accessible to all. Before starting The Mutt Mobile, Lea worked as a Director of Human Resources and as a Professor of Communication Studies with CSU. HER STRENGTHS