Brian G. Caserto

Job Titles:
  • Veterinary Pathologist
Dr. Caserto is board-certified in anatomic pathology, and has extensive experience in musculoskeletal, oral/dental, and sinonasal diseases of small and large animals. A New York State native, Dr. Caserto completed a DVM from Cornell University in 2007, and became board certified in Anatomic Pathology in 2010 after completing a residency at Kansas State University. Dr. Caserto spent 4 years as a lecturer in anatomic pathology at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, in the Department of Biomedical Sciences. Dr. Caserto's interests have led to investigations into diagnostic methods of metabolic bone diseases, canine rhabdomyosarcomas, and equine racing injuries. He led the diagnostic investigations in NYS racing injuries for NYRA, and was a member of the Equine Safety Review Board for two years. Dr Caserto spent time in Brisbane, Australia reading cytology and histopathology cases for IDEXX and joined VetPath Services in 2015. Dr Caserto has collaborated with multiple specialists around New York State in investigations focusing on correlating MRI findings to histological lesions of canine and equine joints and tendons.

James Walberg

Job Titles:
  • Founder & Head Pathologist
  • Head of Pathology Department
Our head of pathology department at VetPath Services, Dr. Walberg is a board certified anatomical pathologist with extensive experience in cytology. He has in excess of 25 years of experience with commercial veterinary laboratories as well as well-recognized institutions including Angell Memorial Animal Hospital in Boston, Post-Doctoral Fellow at Rockefeller University, The Animal Medical Center in New York City, College of Veterinary Medicine Texas A&M University, College Station, TX., The Bronx Zoo, and recently with Animal Pathology Group (formerly Pal-Path). Dr. Walberg is resident at our facility in Stone Ridge and oversees the preparation of the samples together with our technicians.

Jeanine Peters-Kennedy

Dr. Peters-Kennedy is board-certified in anatomic pathology and dermatology. She is a practicing veterinary dermatologist with expertise in dermatopathology. Dr. Peters-Kennedy recently co-authored the integumentary system chapter in the new 2015 edition of Pathology of Domestic Animals.

Joshua Smirin - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director

Paul Greenlee

Job Titles:
  • Contracting Pathologist
Dr Greenlee is one of two experienced contracting pathologists who work remotely reading cytology and histopathology cases.