Koren Alayne Lipsett - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Laboratory Director
  • Founder - Laboratory Director )
Dr. Koren Lipsett is an experienced, published biochemist. She is the Founder and Laboratory Director of Natural Kore Laboratories. For 28 years, Koren was a professor in the department of chemistry at Gettysburg College where she recently retired as Professor Emerita. Biochemistry, natural product chemistry, introductory chemistry, and introductory forensic science were her academic passions and over the years taught more than 1000 students. Trained as a bio-organic chemist and biochemist, Koren's research passions included human and mammalian genomics and metabolic pathways to help understand human genetic disorders. She mentored over 100 talented and enthusiastic research students, many of whom are now health care providers, research scientists, attorneys, professors, teachers, and entrepreneurs. Koren's research interests centered around understanding biosynthetic pathways. Some changes in these pathways may lead to disease, and this became her research focus at Gettysburg College. In addition, there are many pathways that lead to interesting natural products with beneficial properties like anti-bacterial compounds (e.g. Penicillium penicillin) from molds and anti-inflammatory compounds (e.g. Echinacea cichoric acid) from plants. Since retiring, she has continued to explore these pathways. Using her accumulated knowledge, Koren is now focusing her talents on a commercially relevant plant, hemp Cannabis. Koren finds the natural terpene and cannabinoid biosynthetic pathways fascinating! Here at Natural Kore Laboratories, she is in her element - formulating new effective products based on current research while providing concrete science-based information. In addition, she utilizes her Vermont research garden to gather more data to add to the Cannabis research field. Koren's three-decade career has taught her one main thing - education is the key. The more questions you ask, the more knowledge you gain. Ask the questions. Get the answers. Koren Alayne Lipsett, Ph.D. - Founder & Laboratory Director Dr. Koren Lipsett is an experienced, published biochemist. She is the...

Ned O'Rourke

Job Titles:
  • Chief Revenue Officer
  • Sales and Marketing Officer
Mr. O'Rourke brings a background in sales, marketing, and management, in the financial, real estate and, most recently, the sustainability and renewables markets. In the late 1980's he entered the financial services industry as an equity trader and broker. In 1992, Mr. O'Rourke  started his own trading firm which he and his partner later sold to a large international investment bank. During his tenure on Wall Street, he earned a reputation for addressing complicated financial challenges, procuring financing for new concepts and ventures, as well as managing funds and fund managers within the retail and institutional markets. Ned's experience in the real estate industry is equally impressive. His responsibilities at major Real Estate firms and resort corporations have included major project management, sales training oversight as well as groundbreaking work in the online client interface experience, where he is credited with creating sales, jobs, and loyal clients.  This background has given him a unique perspective into the economic, environmental and CSR (corporate social responsibility) challenges that businesses face today.  His leadership in sales and marketing of resort properties gave him a front-row seat as a growing interest in being "green" and "sustainable" emerged in these fields. This unique perspective on development processes gave rise to Ned's philosophy that being "green" does not have to be more expensive than the alternative. He has proven again and again that it is possible to initiate and maintain green, sustainable practices. Businesses can save money with environmentally sound choices - allowing for greater profit.  This concept was the genesis of EnviroProfit, LLC which he founded in 2010. Ned O'Rourke - Sales and Marketing Officer Mr. O'Rourke brings a background in sales, marketing, and management, in the financial,...