BEAN CURVE - Key Persons

Bill Tsiavos - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Bill Tsiavos has been actively involved in the Melbourne coffee scene for over 30 years. His love goes back to small family owned coffee companies where staff were actively involved in all aspects of the business. This is where he developed his love for better coffee blends and coffee brewing equipment. He constantly watched over the owners shoulder wanting to learn everything. When the opportunity in 1998 became available to lead Melbourne's most desired coffee brand, Bill did not miss the opportunity. This is where he was responsible for driving the company forward to becoming one of Australia's leading business by its sale to an international beverage brand many years later. During this time Bill developed a range of coffee blends that were only sold by select retailers to preserve the integrity of the brand. He also spearheaded the drive and the placement of the coffee brand to major hotels and airline. His passion though was working with Melbourne's finest cafes and baristas. He was also responsible for procuring some of the finest espresso machine brands for exclusive distribution. Bill also frequents international trade exhibitions in a quest to perfect his understanding of the espresso method and the changes in the coffee community. Ultimately after many years of service Bill desired to start up on his own and further develop a love for coffee roasting and blending and since then has received 2 awards for his coffee. "I have always felt that Coffee has been calling of my life. It feels great knowing that a cup of coffee helps so many people to start, get through and complete their day and I cannot imagine myself doing anything else." - Bill T.