BILL TRUBY - Key Persons

Dennis Minton

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Member of the Truby Achievements
Dennis Minton is a valuable member of the Truby Achievements team, serving as an associate specializing in networking, sales strategies, and direct sales. His knowledge and success in sales are spectacular - always using a non-pressured approach to simply get people the product or service they need or want. He is very "other-centered," responsive, and conducts his work with a caring heart. Dennis has more than 28 years of experience in sales, coaching, mentoring, management, training, and development. And he's been successful! He built a highly successful insurance and securities practice which he sold in 2005. As the owner of Minton Consulting, he has specialized in helping all types of businesses and professionals build more dynamic and productive sales practices. He also served as the Director of Sales for a local office furniture company and brings success to RBA as a Business Broker bringing his wealth of sales knowledge to the firm. Dennis is a well-known speaker and sales leader. He is a sought-after resource by organizations and individuals wanting to improve their results. He knows what it takes to build a successful sales program, and he knows how to help producers and managers grow their businesses. Born and raised in Omaha, number 6 of ten kids, Dennis has been married to his wife Julie for 30 years, they have two children, Mikki and Alex.

Joann Truby - VP

Job Titles:
  • Consultant
  • Vice President
Joann Truby is an experienced consultant, speaker, author, trainer, facilitator, and leadership coach. She has been a consultant to scores of businesses helping them be successful. Her energetic speaking and training sessions not only provide the attendees with meaningful, practical and usable information, she also motivates people to do what she is teaching. Joann has a broad-based perspective as a consultant, which qualifies her to help firms on many fronts. Her background and training enable her to deal with everyday issues such as wellness, stress management, and time management. She also brings to clients the ability to train in communication, leadership, conflict management and teamwork; plus, she aptly facilitates a variety of processes, from goal setting to having effective retreats. Her clients include architectural, engineering and related design profession firms; manufacturing companies, dental and medical offices, hospitals, wineries, insurance companies, schools, health clubs; and various product, service, and sales organizations. As a trainer, leader, and educator, Joann's experiential and intuitive approach brings to the clients of The Truby Achievement Center a powerful dimension success. Those who experience her genuine, energetic spirit find motivation and a spirit of helpfulness that leads each individual to believe in the benefits of striving for personal success and balance in life thus creating more personal fulfillment and corporate success. One of Joann's unique and special talents is the ability to intuitively give input to the process in a training session. She knows exactly what to say and do to bring a group of people through a difficult spot or get through an impasse. She also is a superior leadership coach. Many top leaders have found her training and coaching skills to be the life-changing ingredient that has enabled their growth and success. She has a rich and multi-faceted life experience where she has developed creative leadership skills and an intuitive ability to help individuals reach their fullest potential.

Tanya Quinn - COO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Operating Officer
Tanya Quinn is an extremely talented and extensively experienced executive professional with years of service in corporate leadership. A leader of teams, the engine behind the success of multi-faceted complex programs and strategies and a devoted wife and mother - Tanya is a "gift" to Truby Achievements, Inc. She single-handedly developed the entire operational infrastructure for the company. But the best part about Tanya is this: In her natural state, she embodies, practices and demonstrates every teaching and skill Truby Achievements teaches to the world. She veritably oozes the leadership and management principles from every pore of her being. She talks it. She lives it. She teaches it. She is a treasure who, Bill says, "Works harder than any hired hand I ever saw on my family's hard-working cattle ranch. She's the best ‘side-kick' any ‘outfit' would ever want." Tanya is originally from Ohio and currently resides in Charlotte, NC with her husband and daughter.