Dylan KougH - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Dylan Kough had ambitions of being a mobile restaurant owner as early as summer of 2007. However, when looking into the costs and regulations involved in mobile food sales, the red tape he had to step through was overwhelming for a kid with no money and no business acumen. He vowed to revisit the idea at some point in this life. Fast forward eight years, two degrees, four years financial consulting experience, and a CPA certification later, and Dylan was ready to revisit his dream. Every day he sat in the office, watching all of the food trucks assemble at Farragut Square, living out his longtime dream. He had had enough. Dylan's first food truck was launched in Spring 2015. It far exceeded his greatest expectations. He realized then that the food truck business could be more than just a passion. Dylan utilized his accounting and finance experience to run his truck as a business is meant to be run. But what Dylan learned about competition in DC dismayed him. The number of unkempt, unoriginal, and frankly unappetizing, food trucks on the streets was frightening. Dylan realized most truck owners started their trucks at a distinct disadvantage, having no business knowledge, experience, or acumen. In winter of 2015, Dylan was approached on two separate occasions by aspiring food truck owners. They were eager to hear any bits of wisdom Dylan could bestow, and he then realized keeping his experience and knowledge to himself was doing a disservice to the food truck community. Thus, DK Food Truck Consulting and Solutions. Dylan is a graduate of University of Maryland - College Park with degrees in Accounting and Finance, an inactive Certified Public Accountant in Maryland, and the sole owner a food truck business of his own.

Grace Wahlbrink

Job Titles:
  • Social Media Specialist
Grace has 6 years experience at a major marketing firm, curating and creating custom social media solutions for large clients. She is highly skilled at running marketing campaigns, managing brands, and brings insight and a different perspective to the firm.

Riley Sheehey

Job Titles:
  • Artist
Riley is an artist who specializes in custom work, listening to clients, and putting their ideas on paper (or the medium of their choosing). She runs an independent business on Etsy and has designed several logos and brands. Riley is an excellent resource for ideas, logo design, and overall brand strategy.