ELASTIN3 - Key Persons

Bill McConnell

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Bill has always been interested in biology and science. For a time, he even wanted to be a doctor. But eventually he veered into marketing, working with several early cosmeceutical startups. A mutual friend eventually referred Bill to Robelyn just as his wife got pregnant with their first child. Which came in handy, as his wife experienced every pregnancy "annoyance" imaginable. With a growing family, the travel and long hours involved in his current job took their toll. When he got the opportunity to work for Robelyn Labs, he realized he could put his work and life experiences to good use in helping to develop and market maternity skin care products. Bill is a happily-married father of three - and yes, he sometimes gets his wife's input about maternity skin care and other issues related to pregnancy and motherhood. She's happy to help, as Robelyn's products have helped her keep her skin stretch mark and problem free throughout her last two most pregnancies.

Elaine Swires

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Elaine worked for many years in customer service and then eventually moved into human resources. She was happily climbing the corporate ladder until a wonderful change coerced her to jump off. She was happily pregnant and joyously delivered her daughter a few months later. She stumbled upon Robelyn looking for some help with her stretch marks. When she called to learn more about our products she actually ended up speaking with our owner Bob. He was immediately struck with her personality and after only a short conversation asked if she wanted a job. As a new mom, she was busy raising her child, but with some coaxing and the offer of a flexible schedule and the opportunity to work remotely things eventually worked out. For several years she's been helping Robelyn grow and expand - doing a little of everything - and enjoying as much time as possible with her daughter.

Tracy Hughes

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Tracy came to Robelyn Labs as a new mom looking for a family-friendly company that would allow her to balance work and motherhood. It didn't hurt that, as the daughter of an OB/GYN, she grew up constantly surrounded by mothers-to-be - and the issues they were experiencing. Now, after having four children of her own, Tracy has seen just about everything having to do with pregnancy. She is passionate about helping women have healthy pregnancies (for the sake of themselves and their babies), and she is constantly researching to find new information she can share with expectant mothers to make their lives easier, happier, and healthier. Tracy manages a crazy household (4 kids, three dogs, and a car-obsessed husband), and still manages to help keep Robelyn running smoothly.