ESCARPMENT - Key Persons

Adam Jarvis

Adam is a graduate from the Niagara Brewmaster program and joined our team as a Production Assistant. Adam helps the Production team grow yeast and CIP tanks. He is an avid outdoorsman and in his free time likes to tend to his gardens!

Alex Mitro

Alex holds a Masters in Biotechnology from the University of Guelph. Currently, he is our Business Development and Project Manager and a member of the MBAA Ontario Technical Committee. Alex has spearheaded various projects within the company including the development of the External Quality Control department and hands-on quality control course for brewers, as well as several marketing and regulatory compliance projects. Alex loves pugs and party planning.

Attilio Consigli

Attilio is our Packaging and Shipping Technician. He graduated from the University of Guelph with a specialization in Microbiology and a minor in Biotechnology. Attilio is the green-thumb for our Hanlon location as he carefully tends to our beloved plants. He is basically a walking meme reference machine and enjoys sipping on Saisons while sitting under the sun.

Breanne Schooley

Breanne is one of our Lab Technicians. She is a graduate of the University of Guelph Food Science program, has worked in both small and big beer, and is happy to have made it upstream in the industry. The great outdoors and art are her two main passions, although she will always make time to talk fungi, especially over a PBR.

Chris Waterton

Chris is our Packaging and Shipping Technician who graduated from the Brewmaster program at Niagara College in December 2019. He has a high attention to detail honed through years of working in the food & beverage industry. Chris uses his experiences to ensure packages leave the door on time keeping the brewer's goals in mind. He is also a member of our marketing team, helping in the design process of various projects. Chris goes by more nicknames than any human should. Most know him as just one, Waterton.

Cofounder Richard

Job Titles:
  • Scientist
Cofounder Richard is an active brewing scientist and long-time homebrewer. At Escarpment, Richard's focus is on translating new research into exciting products and knowledge for brewers. Richard loves to help our team and the brewers we work with to solve problems, overcome challenges, and unlock efficiencies. One day, Richard will write a manifesto on Brettanomyces.

Drew Somers

Drew is one of our Production Assistants. He holds an Automotive Technology degree from McMaster University and was trained at the Niagara College Brewmaster Program. Drew helps with daily production and CIPs. When he isn't propping, you can find him on his bicycle, experimenting in the kitchen or enjoying a Belgian style ale.

Emily Storey

Emily is our Data Scientist and Software Developer. She has a Master's degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the University of Toronto, where she worked in Machine Learning and Spectroscopy. When she's taking a break from being a numbers nerd, you can find her running on trails, doing some sewing or needlework, or out in the garden enjoying a pint of homebrewed Dark Mild.

Eugene Fletcher

Eugene is our R&D Lead with a PhD in Cell Biology from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He is our in-house yeast doctor and a big fan of exotic yeasts. Eugene spends his time developing new yeast strains or rowing on some waters in Canada or abroad. Having lived in Europe, he has a permanent scar of enjoying ice cold lagers.

Evan Graham

Evan was trained at the Niagara College Brewmaster Program and previously worked at Amsterdam Brewery in Toronto. He is the Production Lead and Plant Manager (we have a lot of houseplants) at Escarpment Labs, and commutes by bicycle year-round.

Founders Angus Ross

Cofounder Angus Ross launched the idea for Escarpment Labs, based on the clear need for a domestic Canadian yeast lab for craft brewers. In the early days, Angus did it all: propagation, sales, marketing, cleaning pumps... Today, Angus manages human resources, finances and sales at Escarpment. Angus is a big fan of funky, Bretty beers.

Jonah Greenbaum-Shinder

Job Titles:
  • Head of the Homebrew
Jonah is the head of the Homebrew and Food Ferments Department. He has a BFA in Theatre Production from Ryerson University and an MBET Degree from the University of Waterloo, and uses his diverse set of skills to help with product development, marketing, and advocacy at Escarpment. When not working, you can find him walking his dog Kugel and making weird ferments.

Joshua Muller

Joshua is our Sales and Logistics Specialist, responsible for production scheduling, answering customer emails, and fulfilling orders. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Business from Brock University and completed the Niagara College Brewmaster Program. Joshua is interested in marketing and never takes a lunch break.

Krista Stemmler

Krista is our Laboratory Technician and resident witch. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Integrated Science & Psychology from McMaster University, and completed Niagara College's Brewmaster program. Krista makes a mean cross-stitch, still wants all parties to include laser tag, loves karaoke but can't sing, and enjoys movies that inspire an existential crisis. Her favourite cheese is all cheeses.

Luisa Muhleisen

Luisa is our Lab Manager, overseeing both Internal and External Quality Control activities at Escarpment Labs. Formerly, Luisa enjoyed careers as an Analytical Chemist in Big Pharma and as a Brewer with Big Beer, and is happy with it all coming together with her role at Escarpment. In her spare time Luisa performs improv but will never ask you to go to her shows.

Nate Ferguson

Cofounder Nate Ferguson has been working in the beer industry for nearly a decade, mainly focusing on microbiological Quality Control and Quality Assurance which is what he teaches at Niagara College for the Brewmaster Program. Nate is our creative and technical wizard and always finds ways to solve challenging technical problems in-house and for clients.

Nicole Irvine

Nicole is our Digital Marketing Lead, responsible for attracting customers online through social media & content marketing. She holds a bachelor's degree in Communications from Carleton University, and completed the Brand Management program at Algonquin College. Nicole's ideal day involves the Joey special (2 pizzas), Disney movies, and a selection of hazy IPAs.

Pat Wynn-Williams

Pat is our Sales and Logistics Specialist. He's here to make sure that you find the right products to suit your needs, as well as ensure that it arrives on time for your brew. Pat is a veteran brewer with a decade of experience in the craft brewing industry, as well as a Food Science graduate from the University of Guelph.

Phillip Jurek

Phillip is our R&D Scientist & Homebrew Coordinator. Phillip comes from Vancouver Island, where he earned his bachelor's in microbiology at UVic. Phill has revitalized our internal homebrew program and works behind the scenes on our wild yeast capture program. He appreciates a good pair of socks, loves his Volvo, and is really into aged mixed-fermented beers.

Thomas Henry

Thomas is our Fulfillment Manager, & happy to be a part of the Escarpment Labs fulfillment team (the best team). With a diploma from the Brewmaster and Brewery Management program at Niagara College along with years of experience brewing, cellaring, and packaging for breweries across Canada, he makes sure that yeast orders are packed well and shipped on time. Thomas loves Manchester United, Fantasy Football, his dog August, and, oh of course, a variety of beer styles. In his free time you will catch him on his bicycle (hopefully with Drew) or checking out the patio of a brewery while enjoying a flight - gotta try them all!

Will Culp

Will is our Production Technician and CIP hero. Previous to Escarpment Labs, he worked at Brick Brewing and graduated from the Niagara College Brewmaster Program. Will helps chip away at the list of process and building improvements and also happens to be a professional moustache grower in his off time.