IMA SERVICES - Key Persons

Geoff Hamilton B.

Geoff has over four decades of experience in the chartered accountancy environment. He specialises in business development and growth and is a proponent of using the latest accounting technology. His work includes auditing, succession planning and forensic accounting in legal cases. Together with Shelley Keery, Geoff launched IMA Services to provide specialist infrastructure management assurance services. He believes there is a growing demand to meet the compliance requirements for complex infrastructure projects - and that being a purely assurance business is the best way to meet that need. As a director of IMA Services, Geoff provides direction, supervision and mentoring of all team members. He also provides pragmatic commercial advice to clients on a daily basis. Geoff has worked with thousands of projects and clients, using recommendations from those happy clients to grow SME Financial and IMA Services from scratch. Geoff and Shelley make the big decisions collaboratively, and employ specialist accountants with attention to detail who carry out the bulk of the auditing work.

Manisha Kesha B.

Qualified Chartered Accountant with 33 years experience in the chartered accountancy environment, having worked in areas of audit, insolvency, business advisory and taxation. Manisha started her career as a graduate at Price Waterhouse in the audit division and then progressed to the insolvency division. After her time in the chartered accountancy environment Manisha moved into the commercial sector as a financial accountant for State Bank of South Australia. In 1990, Manisha moved back into the chartered accounting environment with SME Financial Limited. During this time, she has assisted in the development and growth of IMA Services and SME Financial as well as undertaking high-level client work which includes financial and management accounting, systems implementation, acquisitions and business advisory services. Her role at IMA Services on major projects is to provide support at the highest level, providing strategic thinking and problem-solving skills to make any IMA assurance project run more smoothly.

Rayna Qu

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Shelley Keery

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Tight deadlines, reading contracts and wearing high-vis vests - it's all in a day's work for Shelley Keery. She has been focused on assurance auditing since 2004. Shelley has managed big teams on major projects like the Waterview Tunnel, the Waitangi Wharf replacement Mackays to Peka Peka Crossing, Wellington Memorial Park and the Christchurch rebuild. She provides ongoing assurance services for Kainga Ora's Auckland Civil Alliance programme and has completed one-off assurance reviews for the Sky City Convention Centre and Transmission Gully. Shelley has been a Chartered Accountant for 25 years, and in addition to her assurance work has worked in the areas of auditing, business advisory and taxation. Shelley loves the challenges of working across all aspects of a project to help clients review their businesses and improve their procedures. In her spare time she loves to travel with her husband. Shelley Keery leads the team and has been a specialist assurance auditor for nearly 20 years and a Chartered Accountant for over 25 years. Her expertise is invaluable for IMA's clients, ensuring projects stay on track and any cost overruns are accounted for. When a project's costs are heading off track, Shelley can step in and pinpoint the problem, preventing the budget from getting out of hand.

Yvonne Wang

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