Aaron Angeles

Aaron has always been surrounded by performers-his family is filled with singers, bassists, drummers and DJs-thus making music and entertainment an integral part of his life. His father encouraged Aaron to begin DJ-ing as a hobby at 13 and has Aaron took to it like a fish to water and has not stopped. Aaron graduated recent from Cal State Fullerton with a degree in Communications and speciality in Entertainment Studies and was heavily involved as a member in the South Pacific Islander Cultural Association (SPICA). He has participated in performing traditional dances from the islands of Hawaii, Tahiti, Samoa, New Zealand, Guam and many others for over five years and continue these performances as a hobby today. Aaron has been with Invisible Touch for over 3 years and has only grown as a DJ/MC. He loves the feeling of being able to entertain and does so with an adeptness and intensity that is uniquely his own. The best part of DJ-ing according to Aaron is the ability to help each event become as fun and memorable as possible by trying to infuse his love and passion for music into everyone involved creating cherished memories.

Chris Chan

Job Titles:
  • Master
Chris Chan is a master of mixing old songs with new life and sound. Mixing electronic and hip hop is a favorite of Chris' having grown up with his mother playing 80s music and becoming inspired by MTV in the early 90s and 00s. Chris infuses these old sounds with new vibes of EDM. He has a unique personality and overflows with talent while turning tables-making him a perfect entertainer for any event. Chris has hosted many high profile events for companies such as Disney and QSC as well as being a feature on game shows and commercials. He always knows how to keep an event entertaining and the vibe going. His style is deeply rooted in his love to connect with people whether in a large crowd or a more intimate setting. Chris has been with Invisible Touch for almost a decade-his friendly and outgoing personality has contributed to his being an integral part of the IT family. Not only is Chris friendly and outgoing, his passion in his craft continues to wow clients with his flawless execution of well-planned events that reflect the wishes and desires of those clients. Chris always wants each event and crowd to feel the right vibe and energy to help create the best memories for everyone involved.

Robert Arthur - Founder, President

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • President