Andrew Hong

Job Titles:
  • 2nd Assistant Camera

Chris Aquinde

Job Titles:
  • Music Composition

Gabriella Marquez

Job Titles:
  • Production Assistant

Jasmine Ta

Job Titles:
  • Design & Communications Director

Kane Hong

Job Titles:
  • Director of Photography

Sean Lee - Founder, Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Executive Director
  • Founder
  • Managing Director
Sean is a fourth-year Human Biology major at the University of California, Irvine with a strong interest in medical geriatrics and community outreach. Sean possesses an extensive background in working with the elderly, both in a professional capacity as a licensed caregiver, and in an academic capacity as an undergraduate researcher with the 90+ Study and McNaughton Laboratory. Sean's research interests are mainly centered around the epidemiological risk factors surrounding aging and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as the structural implications of these neurodegenerative diseases. Sean plans to attend medical school and hopes to become a geriatric neurologist in order to further serve the senior citizen community. With a strong background in leadership, Sean hopes to effectively lead and grow the Legacy Archive Foundation in order to best serve the community he has grown to respect and admire. Outside of work and academics, you'll find Sean either cycling, flying his drone, or visiting national parks. I am an avid lover of stories, especially those of the past. I believe that the elderly are an important link to history, and it is critical to preserve their timeless lessons for future generations to learn from.

William Zhu

Job Titles:
  • Technology Director
  • Art & Communications Director

Zeinah Al-darsani - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • Executive Director
Zeinah is a second-year Masters student in the University of California, Irvine's Epidemiology Program. Zeinah also completed her bachelor's degree in Public Health Sciences from the University of California, Irvine in 2017. Since 2015, she has been working with UCI's 90+ Study, a study aimed at understanding healthy aging in adults over 90. Zeinah is interested in studying factors associated with successful physical and cognitive aging, with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life for the elderly. Zeinah plans to pursue a PhD in Epidemiology to further strengthen her research background and conduct research in improving geriatric health outcomes. As someone who has always been intrigued with stories from the past, Zeinah is thrilled to have the opportunity to discover the incredible stories hidden within the elderly community. In her free time, Zeinah enjoys watching movies, exploring new recipes, and browsing the internet for vintage clothing.

Zoya Hajee

Job Titles:
  • 1st Assistant Camera