Patricia Williams

Job Titles:
  • Chief Administrative Officer
Patricia's professional success has manifested from her grassroots mentality, positive influence, reputation, and resourcefulness. She has experience with working with people who live with traumas, addictions, incarceration, unemployment, homelessness, domestic violence, neglect, bullying, disabilities, as well as those dealing with health and wellness matters. She is also a graduate of the University of Bridgeport having dual concentrations, Patricia was awarded a B.S. in Human Resources Management and a B.S in Psychology majoring in Human Services and a member of the Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society. She has worked as a Senior Human Resources Manager as well as Consulting Executive Recruiter for Fortune 50 and Fortune 500 companies across various industries, as well as Program Director for a Global Non-profit organization and collaborative eleven years as Connecticut's Martin Luther King Day of Service Inaugural Committee National Volunteer Leader (previous Obama-Biden and current Biden-Harris) Presidency. In addition, Patricia's expertise include Job Development, Life Coaching and Community Activism.