Pablo Loayza - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Designer
  • Founder
Pablo Loayza is a designer, builder, and developer at the Natural Living Design & Build LLC, and Founder of the Natural Living School. He was introduced to Natural building in 2010, when he studied at the Cob Cottage Company (CCC) with Ianto Evens, and Linda Smily, as well as with several other amazing Natural builders that teach at CCC. Coming from a background in construction and finance, he was motivated to find a way to bring natural building into the main stream. He felt that if people knew how unhealthy their building are, and realized that natural building to code is a possibility, that people would choose Natural building over conventional construction. So he dove deep into researching all the possible ways to use the current building codes with natural materials. What came from his research and development, is now changing the way buildings are constructed. The simplest explanation is that, his building systems, are based on two main principles. One, use whats available in the area where the building is constructed. Two, build it in the way that uses the least amount of resources and produces the least amount of waste. Working with the county, and engineers, his building systems are easy to construct, and use a lot of the same building techniques as conventional building, to help lower cost and speed up the building process.

Tammy, Cob

Job Titles:
  • Cottage Co
Congratulations! We at Cob Cottage Company are so very happy to see you doing such great works. What beautiful buildings and a beautiful life you are living. Miss you. Do stay in touch and keep up the great work!

Wesley Jobe

Hi Pablo, and Lauren. My name is Wesley Jobe. I have been researching all types of apprenticeships for natural building, and this one offered here seems to be the best fit for me. I have always dreamed of living in a small community in harmony with nature, and am always looking to learn new things, and really want to be a part of the positive change in this world. To innovate and work together with like-minded people to help our future generations understand the true value and beauty of the simplest way of living. I can think of nothing I am better suited for, and would offer the utmost devotion to everything you have to teach. In hopes that I can also teach others these amazing things such as natural building, meditation, yoga, permaculture, and closed energy loop ways of living. Hopefully I am not too late to apply for this, as I read there is only 4 spots available. Maybe you could even make room for just one more? Please let me know how I can make it there, and when. Reply