Brandon Taggart

Job Titles:
  • Social Media Manager
Brandon (hereby known as, "B"), joined Chad as a younger brother back in 1983 and Axis in 2020, as a social media manager for several clients. B has extensive knowledge in storytelling and content development, with a BA in Creative Writing from Full Sail University. He has cultivated social audiences for entities like, TV personality "The Getaway Guy," and built social buzz for several independent video game company titles, including Nine Pound Studio's top 10 iOS app, Xenome, where he led content marketing and community development. B was also a contractor for a large auto repair company, where he developed content for their Facebook and Twitter social channels. Fun fact about B: he has authored two Science Fiction books and loves meatloaf (the food).

Chad Taggart - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
Chad started Axis Local in 2019 after spending 15+ years in the corporate and media world. His experience is in strategy, digital marketing and the growing field of online reputation management. He has worked with marketing budgets from $30K to $30M and strives to be a partner to his clients. He holds a masters degree from Newhouse at Syracuse University. ​Fun fact about Chad: He published two best-selling NYS travel books and has only visited about 50% of the locations in the books. Cool and lame at the same time, right? Chad lives outside of Rochester NY with his wife and two daughters (also his hair stylists). They also have two very hairy cats (Juicebox and Zoey) with sharp claws that ruin couches. Chad will not buy another couch for a long time.

Dave Bloom

Job Titles:
  • Axis in 2021 As the Director
  • Director of Digital Marketing
Dave joined Axis in 2021 as the Director of Digital. Having years of industry experience and a MBA from the University of Rochester, he has a wide array of skills. These include all things Google, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Marketing Automation, Email Marketing, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) set-up and onboarding, Video Editing and Website Management among other skills however his most valuable skill is identifying and solving client problems, making their lives easier. ​Fun fact about Dave: He once started a YouTube channel dedicated to his favorite hobby, cooking. He got a dozen episodes in and they can still be found to this day. Ask him, and he may give you the channel name. Dave lives in Pittsford with his wife, and cat Thursday. When not working, he enjoys quality time with those close to him. He thoroughly believes Mars Attacks! is a bonafide film worthy of praise.

Eric Skivington

Job Titles:
  • Brand Manager
  • Member to Join Axis
Eric is the newest member to join Axis. He has held many director level marketing roles in both the corporate and agency worlds - and now handles all of the branding and website management, with a focus on strategy. His background is in design, so Eric approaches every client and project with an eye on the user experience and how it affects the customer journey. Fun fact about Eric: he can eat two full garbage plates (way more delicious than it sounds) and it's impressive and gross at the same time...but mostly gross.