PUMISA - Key Persons

Bernadette Kizito

Job Titles:
  • Project Manager
  • Associate, PFM & Governance Expert
Bernadette is an accomplished project manager - her past projects include the implementation of integrated financial management systems and related capacity development amongst key accountability institutions. Bernadette has considerable experience in applying the PEFA Framework in assessments and PFM reforms. She is a certified trainer with vast experience in assessment and design of appropriate institutional capacity building strategies, policies and programmes for staff at national and sub-national levels.

James Botha

Job Titles:
  • Associate, Registered Government Auditor ( RGA ) & PFM Expert
  • Registered Government Auditor
James Botha (Registered Government Auditor (RGA), Hons. B.Compt in Accounting & Auditing, B.Comm in Accounting & Auditing) is an experienced PFM expert with more than 27 years of experience in supporting all levels of government. Previous responsibilities include being the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Audit Executive in national and sub-national (provincial) departments of education, South Africa, from 2008 to 2014. His extensive portfolio includes leading education sector audits (internal and external) at national, sub-national and local government levels and conducting Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) assessments at sub-national (provincial) education departments in South Africa.

John Stuart

Job Titles:
  • Associate, Expert in Integrating PFM and Public Sector Performance Management
John's keen understanding of the relationship between the input side of government - the budget and expenditure - to the output side - the activities and their outputs, was the reason he was appointed to be the chief system designer of the Performance Budgeting System (PBS). As part of this role, he developed a fully consistent model for zero-based budgeting for South African government departments and designed various workflows for costing the outputs of government activities. This work was done not only with education departments but also health, housing, social development, transport and other departments. John also has extensive training and facilitation experience, not satisfied with developing solutions that are inaccessible to users, John strives to develop and present training solutions that are inclusive and practically-relevant. This relates not just to face to face training but also the development of training materials and technical manuals. In recent years John has done work for United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

Juan Bester

Job Titles:
  • Principal, PFM & PF4C Expert
Public sector management expert with more than 18 years of consulting and training experience.

Kennedy Chilibasi

Job Titles:
  • Certified Public Accountant
  • Associate, PFM & Revenue Management Expert
Kennedy Mganga Chilibasi (PhD Candidate, Master in Business Administration - MBA, MA in Tax and Customs Administration, Bachelors of Commerce in Accounting) is a public finance management (PFM) expert with more than 12 years in the public sector. His substantial PFM portfolio includes leading financial management processes in public primary schools and the Free Primary Education (FPE) Fund in Kenya. He has also led Public Expenditure Tracking Survey (PETS) for the FPE Fund. Kennedy is a Certified Public Accountant registered by the Institute of the Certified Public Accountants of Kenya and has participated in numerous public sector audits, including social auditing as a tool for accountability in the public sector. He has led audits on PFM systems for the sub-national governments relating to procurement and public expenditure as well as value for money audits on provision of pro-poor services. He led research and advisory services on taxation that covered redesign of revenue management in both national and sub-national governments.

Lawson Naidoo

Job Titles:
  • Associate, Supply Chain Management ( SCM ) Expert
Lawson has in-depth knowledge of the Education, Training and Development Practitioners' (ETDP) environment, South Africa's National Qualifications Frameworks and outcomes-based course development. He is an experienced SCM trainer and has covered the development of operational manuals. Lawson teaches public procurement at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) in Pretoria, South Africa. Before that he was Senior Procurement Advisor: Municipal Finance Improvement Program (MFIP), at the National Treasury of South Africa. Public sector supply chain management (SCM) expert, PhD, with more than 28 years of work experience.