Updated 21 days ago
Währinger Strasse 16 Top 14, 1090 Wien
We also represent numerous clients in the medical and pharmaceutical sector, including physicians, the international associations European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology and European Society of Urogenital Radiology, the pharmaceutical company OrphaCare GmbH, and VertretungsNetz (one of the four adult protection associations commissioned by the Austrian Ministry of Justice)...
Good feeling. We provide high-quality services in a relaxed environment. Flexible, whenever you need help. Anywhere, no matter where you live. And at attractive, transparent conditions...
Employees. Our team is our strength. We rely on young, hungry and highly talented employees, whose development on a legal, entrepreneurial and personal level we enjoy promoting.
Registration numbers: FN 476430h (W)
VAT numbers: ATU 72724901