RESOLUT - Key Persons

Aline Vanhove

Aline Vanhove graduated as a Master of Laws from the University of Antwerp in July 2018. During her studies, she chose to major in business law and minor in social law. However, during her studies, health law sparked her interest as well and in 2019 Aline obtained the "Postgraduate degree in Health law and Health ethics" (Ahlec) at the University of Antwerp. In September 2019, Aline joined the Leuven Bar. She gained previous experience in health law at another law firm, where she focused, among other things, on the status and recognition of various health care providers, disciplinary law, liability law, clinical trials and on various aspects of hospital organization. Since January 2024, Aline has been associated with the firm resolut..

Caroline Daniels

Caroline specializes in commercial and economic law in the broadest sense. She assists clients in various sectors in matters such as liability, distribution, agency, purchase, etc. Caroline has experience with complex disputes before various courts and also with Belgian and international arbitration proceedings. Alongside this, she has special experience in contract law, where she also advises on privacy, and in conducting negotiations. Caroline is also academically active at KU Leuven. She mainly works in procedural law and supervises various courses on that topic, on which she also publishes regularly. Before Caroline joined resolut., she was active at international law firm Allen & Overy (2010-2015) and subsequently set up her own firm (2016-2020).

Diego Fornaciari

Diego has built up special expertise within the health sector from different angles and therefore has a 360° view of the complexity and sensitivities that characterize this sector. In 2011, Diego obtained a doctorate from the KU Leuven Faculty of Law with the dissertation "The interplay between competition law and the right to high-quality patient care". As a lawyer, Diego learned the tools of the trade in various firms specializing in health law. The knowledge he had thus accumulated was then supplemented with the pragmatics and hands-on consultancy required as a legal and strategic policy coordinator at the AZ Delta Hospital in Roeselare. During this period, Diego was also able to provide legal support for the implementation of two mergers, a new electronic patient record (EPR) and the establishment of a regional clinical hospital network. Although Diego focuses on health law in a broad sense, he has a special interest in the legal aspects of "entrepreneurship" and of innovation in healthcare.

Hendrik Lemmens

Job Titles:
  • Assistant
Hendrik Lemmens graduated with honors in 2015 as Master of Laws at the KU Leuven. His dissertation titled A Human Rights Based Approach to Climate Change sparked his interest in human rights and international law. He decided to specialize in this field and enrolled in an LL.M. Human Rights and Environmental Protection at the Charles University in Prague. In February 2017 he started his internship as a junior associate at the Brussels Bar at a mid-sized law firm. He committed himself to a wide range of legal fields, notably commercial and company law, criminal law and general civil law. He developed a particular experience with regards to associations, directors' liability, construction law and was engaged in a notorious case before the Court of Assize. Hendrik joined resolut. in December 2021, where he dedicates himself to legal dispute settlement in various fields of law. At resolut., he mainly focuses on complex disputes in commercial law, often with a criminal law component. Hendrik is also an assistant teaching "History of Public Law" and "Legal Methodology" at the KU Leuven - Campus Brussels.

Karlien Wouters

Karlien joined resolut. in June 2023. She focuses primarily on counseling hospitals, individual physicians and other health care providers, physician practices and associations. She also provides assistance to physicians in the context of proceedings before the NIHDI (RIZIV-INAMI). Karlien has been working as a lawyer specializing in health law since 2011, and thus has accumulated extensive experience in the field, both in the area of counseling and in the area of litigation and proceedings that the various players in the health law landscape may face. Karlien previously worked for two years as a legal staff member at the Clinical Trial Center of UZ Leuven (2009 - 2011), where she was responsible for the contracts between the university hospitals, the pharmaceutical industry and the other research partners. She was a member of the Ethics Committee of UZ Leuven until 2011. In 2017 Karlien obtained the "Postgraduate degree in Health Law and Health Ethics" (Ahlec) at the University of Antwerp (magna cum laude).

KU Leuven

Job Titles:
  • Teaching Assistant
  • Judiciary Law Assistant
  • Management for the Hospital Professional, Vlerick Business School 2016

Margaux Defauw

Margaux Defauw graduated as a Master of Laws from KU Leuven in July 2018. Her interest in health law led her to pursue an additional master's degree at Queen Mary University of London, where she obtained the LLM Medical Law in 2019. This study focused on European and international law standards, as well as the regulation of new medical technologies and liability, with an additional focus on intellectual property law and mental health care. Subsequently, Margaux also obtained the "Postgraduate degree in Health law and Health ethics" (Ahlec) at the University of Antwerp in 2021 (magna cum laude). In August 2019, Margaux joined the Leuven Bar. She gained previous experience in health law at another law firm, where she focused, among other things, on drug, pharmaceutical and medical device law, as well as medical administrative and disciplinary law. Since October 2023, Margaux has been associated with the firm resolut.."

Margo D'Hondt

Margo graduated cum laude as Master of Law at Ugent in July 2023. During her studies, she specialized in health law, mainly combined with data protection (GDPR), healthcare and intellectual property (IP).

Pieter Van Mulders

Pieter has extensive experience in business law in general and in national and cross-border commercial litigation and M&A deals in particular, covering a wide range of sectors and branches of law, including distribution law, financial, banking and insurance law, general contract law and liability law. Pieter advises both national and international clients in the various areas of business law. He handles files in Dutch, English and French. Pieter graduated summa cum laude as Master in Law from the University of Ghent in 2005 and the following year, in 2006, also obtained an LLM degree in European law (Magister Juris) at the University of Oxford (UK). From 2006 to the beginning of 2017 Pieter was active as Managing Associate in the Dispute Resolution department of the international business law firm Linklaters LLP in Brussels. From 2017 to March 2022 he headed the business law department at De Groote De Man law firm. He joined resolut. in April 2022.

Stijn Sabbe

Stijn assists clients in handling complex disputes and managing judicial risks. Stijn's practice focuses on litigation in commercial and regulatory matters, but he also acts for private clients in complex or sensitive matters. Stijn has experience in a wide range of civil, commercial, corporate, criminal and regulatory disputes in various sectors. He specializes in economic law in the broadest sense of the word (including competition law, market practice law, consumer law, corporate criminal law, etc.). He assists clients in national and cross-border legal proceedings, disputes with regulatory authorities and disciplinary committees, as well as in arbitration proceedings. Before joining resolut. Stijn worked at Quinz (2013-2019) and Linklaters (2007-2012).