Aaron Grant

A pillar of Sandbox for over a decade, Aaron is the problem solvers' Bodhi tree, the solution generator, the humble expert who ensures the highest levels of quality. With technical and artistic skills that will forever compete for supremacy, Aaron maintains a leadership role in all things Sandbox.

Brad Nagle

Brad excels in the building of new systems and finding the best technical solution. He's also the calm after the storm. A creative technician, Brad brings clarity, coherence, and consistency to Sandbox's identity creation, branding, and design.

Matt Stone

Job Titles:
  • Partner
A strategist, problem solver, and technical cartographer. Matt finds his way through his projects via meticulous attention to each element in play. Focused primarily on interactive projects for colleges and other institutions of learning, Matt is responsible for the planning, creative direction, and management of Sandbox's interactive arm. With two decades of experience working and collaborating within educational communication strategy, Matt is adept at finding solutions that harmoniously integrate within existing infrastructures.

Michael Branigan

Job Titles:
  • Partner
Never hesitant to get his hands dirty, Michael will dig into resource materials, learning from every detail. From there, he runs. Michael leads the way in the search for projects, manages design and production, and is responsible for the creative avenue taken. Michael has been heavily involved in science communication for over a decade and is frequently commissioned by research institutions and science organizations around the world.