TASBD.ORG - History of Changes

2024-03-14 delete source_ip
2024-03-14 insert source_ip
2023-04-22 delete otherexecutives Gius Uddin Goni
2023-04-22 delete otherexecutives Md. Abu Bakkar
2023-04-22 delete otherexecutives Md. Golam Mustofa
2023-04-22 delete otherexecutives Md. Rassel Mahmud
2023-04-22 delete otherexecutives Md. Sumon Miah
2023-04-22 delete otherexecutives Mr. Fazley Ali Munna
2023-04-22 delete otherexecutives Mr. GM. Arif Khan
2023-04-22 delete otherexecutives Mr. Rezaul Karim Mukta
2023-04-22 delete otherexecutives Mr. SM. Kamruzzaman Khokon
2023-04-22 delete otherexecutives Mr. Sarker Ali Ashgar
2023-04-22 delete otherexecutives Ramen Kumar Basak
2023-04-22 delete otherexecutives Ruhul Kuddus Tanvir
2023-04-22 insert otherexecutives Abul Basher Rajib
2023-04-22 insert otherexecutives Gias Uddin Goni
2023-04-22 insert otherexecutives Golam Mostofa
2023-04-22 insert otherexecutives Rasel Mahmud
2023-04-22 insert otherexecutives Ruhul Quddus Tanvir
2023-04-22 delete person Gius Uddin Goni
2023-04-22 delete person Md. Abu Bakkar
2023-04-22 delete person Md. Golam Mustofa
2023-04-22 delete person Md. Rassel Mahmud
2023-04-22 delete person Md. Sumon Miah
2023-04-22 delete person Mr. Fazley Ali Munna
2023-04-22 delete person Mr. GM. Arif Khan
2023-04-22 delete person Mr. Rezaul Karim Mukta
2023-04-22 delete person Mr. SM. Kamruzzaman Khokon
2023-04-22 delete person Mr. Sarker Ali Ashgar
2023-04-22 delete person Ramen Kumar Basak
2023-04-22 delete person Ruhul Kuddus Tanvir
2023-04-22 delete phone +8801772 526979
2023-04-22 delete phone +8801971 384848
2023-04-22 insert person Abul Basher Rajib
2023-04-22 insert person Gias Uddin Goni
2023-04-22 insert person Golam Mostofa
2023-04-22 insert person Rasel Mahmud
2023-04-22 insert person Ruhul Quddus Tanvir
2023-04-22 insert phone +8801717 690150
2023-04-22 update person_title Jahirul Islam Mondol: Member of the TAS Executive Committee => General Secretary; Member of the TAS Executive Committee
2022-11-15 delete source_ip
2022-11-15 insert source_ip