ZEENYX - Key Persons

Brian Le Suer - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive Officer
Brian has been working in the field of test automation for more than 30 years. Brian began as a QA Engineer using the testing tools available in the early 1980's. He joined Segue Software in its infancy and served as the EVP of R&D during that company's golden years. Brian formed Star Quality, a consulting firm specializing in test automation in the late 90s. After 12 years of experience in the trenches, he's excited to be building the next generation testing tool that will increase the productivity and and effectiveness of test and development teams.

Dave Laroche - CTO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Technical Officer
Dave is a pioneer in the field of automated testing. Dave developed ATF, one of the first automation tools, more than 20 yeas ago. He was a founder and Chief Architect of Segue Software, Inc., the original creators of QA Partner/SilkTest. Dave believes that no testing tool can be easy to use without a solid foundation. That's why he is committed to providing AscentialTest's universal agent with the most powerful object recognition engine in the industry.