Brandon Munn - President

Job Titles:
  • President
Throughout his professional journey, Brandon Munn has contributed to the growth and advancement of industrial contracting enterprises across the United States and the Caribbean. Brandon Munn, a graduate of Louisiana State University, has dedicated decades to the industrial services arena. Throughout his professional journey, Munn has contributed to the growth and advancement of industrial contracting enterprises across the United States and the Caribbean. One of his outstanding achievements lies in cultivating a robust safety culture within his business units, emphasizing the utmost importance of protecting the well-being of his team members. Recognizing the value of exceptional leadership, Munn is committed to attracting and retaining top-tier supervisors and managers to lead his teams. He firmly believes in the active involvement of his senior management team in all aspects of daily operations, with time spent on location with customers and employees.

Bruce Bartlett - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors
Bruce is a graduate of Bridgewater State University with a B.A. in Mathematics, high honors in Accounting, Bentley College-Certified Public Accountant. He also served in the United States Naval Reserves for six years.

Chris Pearson

Job Titles:
  • Vice President of Operations
Chris Pearson's meticulous attention to detail and a penchant for embracing new challenges have played a pivotal role in broadening Bartlett's footprint into Canada. With a bachelor's degree in Regional Development from the University of Arizona, Chris Pearson began his career at Bartlett, where he has made a significant impact. His initial role involved supervising the manufacturing and testing of scaffold components, coordinating logistics, and providing crucial information to clients nationwide. As Bartlett has expanded, Pearson's responsibilities grew, and he gained valuable experience in various industrial operations activities, including job setup and account management for clients in the refining and petrochemical sectors. Pearson's expertise extends to multiple areas, including cost control, planning, critical path applications, field execution, and site management. His meticulous attention to detail and a penchant for embracing new challenges have played a pivotal role in broadening Bartlett's footprint into Canada under Bartlett Operations Support Services (BOSS).

Dylan Fulton - SVP

Job Titles:
  • Senior Vice President
Over the years, Dylan Fulton has excelled in diverse roles encompassing safety, marketing, operations, and administration. Dylan Fulton, a distinguished alumnus of Louisiana State University, boasts a wealth of industrial service experience. Over the years, he has excelled in diverse roles encompassing safety, marketing, operations, and administration. Fulton's impact leaves a positive imprint on those he encounters. Notably, he has been instrumental in bolstering a safety culture and fostering an environment where the well-being of others takes precedence. Fulton's leadership has been instrumental in the growth and expansion of the organizations he has been affiliated with, driving them toward new heights of success.

Nathan Dagley

Job Titles:
  • Vice President Technical Services
Nathan Dagley firmly believes that good communication is a vital foundation for the safety, engineering and operations groups to function harmoniously within their teams and in collaboration. Nathan Dagley, a Texas A&M University College of Engineering graduate, brings years of experience in the industrial heavy mechanical construction and turnaround industry. He recognizes the importance of effective communication and places it at the forefront of our business operations. Dagley firmly believes that good communication is a vital foundation for the safety, engineering and operations groups to function harmoniously within their teams and in collaboration. By fostering an open and transparent communication culture, he ensures that our organization thrives, enabling seamless coordination and collaboration among various departments. Dagley's emphasis on communication underscores his commitment to optimizing safety, enhancing engineering efficiency and achieving operational excellence within our company.

Scott Thibodeaux - COO

Job Titles:
  • Director of Operations
Known for his ability to drive profitable revenue growth, Scott Thibodeaux excels in establishing trust-based relationships with customers across all business initiatives. Scott Thibodeaux, Director of Operations for Canada, is an esteemed industry professional with decades of leadership experience in the industrial soft trades service company sector. Known for his ability to drive profitable revenue growth, Thibodeaux excels in establishing trust-based relationships with customers across all business initiatives. He is a seasoned team builder who values organizational assets, particularly its people, and is adept at organically growing, planning, organizing, and managing labor-intensive service industries. Thibodeaux has a robust track record of executing strategic objectives and is leading Bartlett's market expansion into Canada. With a people-first growth strategy, he is committed to fostering relationships with First Nations, oil and gas companies, and provincial and local leaders to ensure successful expansion.