BIZFLINT - Key Persons

Diane Hendrickson - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
  • Business Coach
Diane is the founder and CEO of BizFlint. Known as the "Small Business Whisperer", she is passionate about empowering others to pursue financial freedom through building a profitable business and life they love. Diane is an online business coach and strategist with a background in marketing. As a three time business owner, she has over 25 years of experience in both the brick-and-mortar and online business worlds. As Program Developer for Entrepreneurial Outreach at a local college, Diane worked with students of all ages to equip them to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. It was there she discovered a distinct gap between what is being taught about business in the traditional academic setting and what real world entrepreneurs actually need to succeed in their own businesses, so she set out to develop a series of high value programs. These programs will help you learn how to get more of the right things done, in less time, with the right guidance. You'll learn how to work SMARTER, not HARDER, so you can start making money from a business you love. Interested in having business coach Diane Hendrickson on your podcast, at your event, or promoting your product? Send us an email below, and a member of our team will get back to you if the opportunity is a good fit.