BWINDI - Key Persons


Job Titles:
  • Executive Director
I am the founder to this beautiful orgnisation and above all privileged to be working and serving alongside an amazing team of young colleagues that are so passionate and zealous about serving other people.bwindi orphanage was established with a mission to restore hope to the vulnerable communities in Uganda as a result war, poverty, HIV/AIDS, famine and drought. By reaching out to these communities, we achieve our vision of empowering our next generation. So far, I am excited by what is happening through the organisation and more joyous about what is yet to happen. You are most welcome to come be part of this journey with us. God Bless You.


Job Titles:
  • Secretary
Iam AKAMPURIRA JUSTUS From Bwind Buhoma, kanungu, district,uganda, a secretary for bwindi buhoma orphans and vulnerable children group. As rewards my education, l completed senior four uganda certificate of education(u,c,e) currently l work with the above organization as a secretary. After failing to further my education due to school fees problems. I Akampurira Justus, Habasa Ben, and Ngabirano Ronald decided to identify orphans and vulnerable children in the community near BWINDI national park with aim of organising them for training in traditional dances and hand craft making skills and helping them link up with tourists for education sponsorships, We have a plan to build an orphanage center where helpless orphans shall be stay and get medical care, education and food but the challenge we have is funds.


Job Titles:
BWINDI BUHOMA ORPHANS AND VULNERABLE GROUP. it started mainly to help orphans and other children who are able to meet their needs in full because of poor family planning, scourge of HIV/AID and other hazards so the group was started to give children back hope and to fight illiteracy from our name is Ronald working as manager of group, jam 25 years old l finished Senior three in butogota secondary school in 2013 due to luck of school and l never completed my studies. Mum died because of HIV/AIDS in 2014, and may be if God wishes l will continue my studies. Yrs NGABIRANO RONALD, working as the manager of the group.