Bev Roberts

Bev is a long time resident of Sylvania and  the first of three generations to attend Sylvania NV high school. After high school she completed the dental assisting program at Toledo Medical Education and finished second in her class. She retired from dentistry after 35 years of working for a prominent Toledo area dentist. She now enjoys working occasionally for a well-known local catering service. 

 Bev is family oriented. She has one son; he and his wife have two children that she has the pleasure of spending time with. She is a member of Five Lakes Church in Sylvania, and believes strongly in the mission of the FFF and is humbled and honored to be part of the Foundation's team.

Cara Soli

Job Titles:
  • Associate
Cara is an Associate (non-voting) member of the FFF Board of Directors. She is a student at Southview High School and a member of Five Lakes Church. Giving back to others and her community is important to Cara because it demonstrates kindness and service to others which she believes Christians are called to do. Cara is active in her church's outreach program and volunteers for various organizations in Northwest Ohio. She also serves as a Sunday school leader for elementary students. Cara is a member of Southview Theater, Band, Speech and Debate team, and Student Senate. In her free time, she also produces a podcast entitled Unfiltered America which is about American History.

Jeanette Marston

Jeanette Marston have been Sylvania area residents since 1986, when they moved from the Detroit, Michigan, area to open an independent used car dealership in West Toledo. Blaine has been involved in a variety of roles in the automotive industry for his entire professional career and has been with the Yark Automotive Group for 12 years. Jeanette is on the office staff of a local physician. Since arriving in the area, they have been deeply involved in faith communities at St. Elias & St. Joseph Church, and for the past 15 years have been members at McCord Rd/Five Lakes Church in Sylvania, where Blaine serves as an usher on the Connections Team. 
 The Marston family believes that we each have a responsibility to use the talents that God has given us to help others and to repay for the blessings that He has provided for us. They prefer to help others locally, quietly and out of the limelight. They believe that the best way to help others is to offer a "Hand up, but not a handout." For directed giving, they prefer to help organizations whose approach is one of concern for the people being helped and not the financial welfare of the executive and management teams. In that spirit, they researched and nominated the Family House in Toledo for assistance from the Fausz Family Foundation.

Rick Napierala

Rick Napierala was born on Christmas Eve, 1953 in Toledo, Ohio. He attended Rogers High School and then went on to earn an Associate's Degree from the University of Toledo. He has two children: Rick, the current Director of the Toledo Choral Society, and Nicole, a Second-grade teacher with the Anthony Wayne School District. He can also add grandpa to his resume as he has three wonderful grandchildren: Harley, Beau, and Mac. He enjoys music and has sung with the Toledo Choral Society for many years, at times sharing his beautiful solo voice. Rick holds the office of President for the Choral Society, which has benefited from his hard work and organizational skills. Growing up his parents taught Rick and his siblings to love God, respect others, help them when they are in need, and to also respect their country. The lessons learned have remained with Rick, and he is always willing to go the extra mile to lend a helping hand to those less fortunate. The Fausz Family Foundation has been an incredible platform to help continue that mission.