Gaurav Kapoor

Gaurav Kapoor, B.Com, DISA, FCA, partner of the firm since 2005. He has over 12 years of experience in profession, having specialization in Assurance and Indirect Taxation practice. He has varied exposure in the fields of Risk Management, Standard Operating Procedures, Internal Audits and Information System Audits, Statutory Audits, Corporate and Individual Taxation and Financial Reporting, fund planning and debt syndication.

Rupal Kumar Jain

Rupal Kumar Jain, B.Sc, FCA, qualified as a chartered accountant in 2004 has rich experience in private equity and corporate advisory transactions. He specializes in private equity, venture capital, mergers and acquisitions, project financing, financial and business valuations. Over the years he has been associated with several private equity, venture capital, valuation and M&A transactions encompassing varied size and in diverse sectors. His forte lies in incubating every business model and exploring a suitable financial assistance.