I am Greek who

I am Greek who has been living in Italy for the last 8 years, where I work for Stanaidea Cooperative, involved in Community Theatre projects and European Projects as youth-worker and mentor of the European volunteers hosted annually by our organization. Innovating my working techniques is fundamental for me so participating in this project is an amazing opportunity. I never want to stop playing whatever this means (theatre, games, sport), to inspire and be inspired by people.

I am Latvian who

I am Latvian who has been living in Spain for the last 4 years, where I am involved in association PROMESAS as a project manager and a trainer working on topics such as sustainability, creative learning environments and storytelling. I love the topic of creative learning environments and how we can innovate into existing education systems or create new ones. I see lots of potential in inclusive educational escape rooms and adventures, therefore I am excited to roll my sleeves up and create new educational tools.