NORYAK - Key Persons


Ariel is from Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan. A strong kayaker, he shares the love of his native region with generosity. Smiling and positive, he is always ready to discover, go on an adventure and learn. He is a sports enthusiast and he loves to play in the water on any boat.


Camy-Anne grew up in Abitibi (Qc.), and loves nature. She is funny, friendly and always positive. She studied the interpretation of nature at the CEGEP St-Félicien. She knows the edible and medicinal plants of the Boreal forest and she generously shares her knowledge with us. Camy-Anne prepares delicious deserts for our trips and picks edible wild plants to add a local taste to our meals. She now lives in a yourt in Minganie, where she dedicates her free time to collect plants and practicing Yoga.


An experienced kayaker and canoeist, Christophe is as comfortable at sea as on the river. In addition to his athletic side, he also likes to explore his artistic abilities. If he is friendly and relaxed, he also knows how to react with rigor when the situation requires it. Christophe has solid experience in wilderness first aid, having been a ski patroller at Le Massif de Charlevoix for several winters. A guide at Noryak since 2020, he is currently taking a carpentry training.


Rafting guide since 1998 on the most beautiful rivers of Lac-Saint-Jean, whitewater rescue trainer, member of the Canadian master rafting team, expedition guide, carpenter and co-owner of a rafting business in Ecuador ; Eric is a teacher and a technical paddler of great finesse. He is a jack-of-all-trades who builds his own boats and other pieces of whitewater equipment. He has become, over time, an expert in the art of understanding the world of whitewater and everything closely or remotely related to it. His first expedition on the Magpie River dates back to the summer of 2005 and since then he has returned often to share his love of the river.


A guide with Noryak since 2019, Gabriel studied adventure tourism for three years at Cégep de Gaspé before crossing over to Minganie. North Coastal by adoption, he spends the winter on the coast in the small village of Magpie. Passionate about northern Quebec, he is particularly interested in regional development issues, geography and anthropology. When he is not guiding, he constantly travels the territory; whether by canoe, sea-kayak, skis or snowshoes, combining expeditions on the great rivers of Minganie to the tundra of Mushuau-Nipi. Stories, tales of hunting and adventures; he has more than a few! For him, the poetry of this land is inspiring and a way of defining his intimate connection to this beautiful territory.


Jean-François has paddled the Côte-Nord since 2000. He's an outdoor fanatic, and loves sea kayaking, river kayaking, rafting, trekking, biking and skiing. He's outside in each season and plays on every type of terrain. Jean-François is an experienced paddler who knows the Minganie extremely well. He is detail oriented, he adapts easily, and loves to share his knowledge and his passion. Jean-François teaches outdoor education during the off-season and is a ski patroller at the Petite Rivière St-François in the winter.


Marilou, perfectionist and always on the move. She joined Noryak for her second summer. Originally from Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan, she is deeply attached to her native territory, which she will share with you with joy and passion. Landscapes, day and night, animals and plants are always a source of wonder for her. Marilou is also passionate about water, first aid and rescue.


Martin adopted the Minganie more than 20 years ago. Since then, he explores the territory with his canoe. He is a force of nature that can carry for days and sleep in the rain. He goes solo for several days to open up new routes and explore the territory. He is an experienced hunter and fisherman with a passion for the environment. As a biologist, he tirelessly seeks to minimize the impact of man on the earth. He works full-time in the environment and spends his vacations on the Magpie River offering luggage transportation by cataraft. He has been running the Magpie since 2008 and has more than 50 days of expeditions on this river.


Mathieu is crazy about water and paddling. He moved to Minganie in 1996, dropped anchor in the region he has been traveling in the region's backcountry tirelessly ever since. He is an expert in anything that involves a paddle, from sea kayaking, rafting, river kayaking and canoeing. He has taught, developed maritime and river trails, worked as a guide, mentor, and provided safety training. His passion for water and the territory of Minganie guide his life. He works closely with public rescue agencies to improve the safety practices of sea kayaking and refine the knowledge of the ocean currents that govern the archipelago. Mathieu is an explorer in love with the territory he lives in. He has navigated between the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the river for more than 24 years. He has studied the seasons, learned the stories of the region, and knows the plants and animals, and he loves nothing more than sharing his experience and knowledge with Noryak's guests.


Évelyne is a passionate, motivated and curious guide. After completing her adventure tourism guide program, she is now studying psychoeducation at the University of Quebec in Outaouais. She guided two summers in the estuary and decided to taste the challenges of the Gulf of St. Lawrence to perfect her experience and satisfy her curiosity. Her thoroughness, good humor and professionalism have already won over the team and the paddlers who have had the chance to paddle with her.