Updated 17 days ago
463, Nancy Randolph Davis Stillwater, OK 74078
Natural disasters are considered to be a part of human existence and are increasing in occurrence. Disasters in the past such as the Bird Flu in 1997 - 1998, 2001 - 2002, 2003, in Eastern India in 2008; the 9/11 attacks in 2001; the incidence of SARS in 2002 in Southern China and in 2003 in Hong Kong; the outbreak of the Iraq War in 2003; a killer tsunami (2004) and Huricanes like Charley, Francis (2005); the London Bombing (2005), Paris (2015), and many others have made the world realize that the future is definitely uncertain. Manmade as well as natural disasters are seemingly on the rise and due to globalization, these events can have a wide impact. Natural disasters can hit at anytime and anywhere. It is not uncommon that such disasters leave thousands homeless. People left homeless by natural disasters have fewer resources than any other type of homeless person. There is no park to camp out in, no alley to sleep in, and no bridge to sleep under.