PANDAMINDS - Key Persons

Hari Priya

Job Titles:
  • Digital Marketing Executive
Digital Marketing Executive Hari Priya knows the Surefire Ways To raise the stakes Of your Brand. She ensures your Brand tops the google chart by optimizing the keywords and analyzing the trends! She gets your web presence to the top!

James Nathanael

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder, Operations Head
Chief Panda James Nathanael makes sure that all bamboos are distributed evenly among the pandas and our clients get our full energy. He is beary efficient in making things happen, no matter how wild things may seem.

James Selvaraj

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder, Business Development Head
Chief Panda James Selvaraj brings the seeds to the jungle. He collects, nurtures, and seeds clients so that the rest of the family always has businesses to help. He is the communication bear in the team.

Matthew Paul

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder, Digital Marketing Head
Chief Panda Matthew Paul ensures that the bamboo shoots are as delicious as it gets. He knows the growth strategies and recipes and teaches them effortlessly to all the other pandas. If there's a person who can help your business grow online- it's him!

Mohammed Hali

Job Titles:
  • Senior Graphic Designer
Senior Graphic Designer Panda Hali brings our vision to life through his splendid designs. From Branding to social media posts he knows the recipe to make the creatives stand out. If there is a person who knows the best colors and designs for your business it's him!

Raji Karthik

Job Titles:
  • Website Developer
Website Panda Raji ensures and knows the how to create and structure website according to the client needs. And teaches them effortlessly to all the other pandas. If there's a person who can build a astonishing website - it's her!