Douglas McCoy

Douglas McCoy is ReCreation King and Recreation Expert Douglas McCoy has developed training modules and seminars for the very impetus of showing you how you can maximize your potential. For then again, you may not know it yet, you are a very powerful being! Coupled with his team of leading coaches, Doug can tailor his presentation to suit your requirement through Australasian Success Academy. He has been very fortunate to have some incredible challenges in his life that most people may consider as problems. You discover things and acquire knowledge in various ways. You either learn through experiencing all the problems in life yourself or learn from other peoples experiences and save all the suffering and pain. Furthermore, since Doug grew up not enjoying or even able to read, he decided to take several years off work, to develop a series of books to help people enjoy reading much more. He developed new techniques in the way he put his books together to make reading so much more enjoyable, stimulating and fun.