RPM DEPENN - Key Persons

Duane Penister

The co-owner of Real Property Management DePenn has 15+ years of invaluable real estate experience. He spent his first eight years as a licensed real estate salesperson before transitioning to CEO of his New York-based Licensed Real Estate Brokerage company, DePenn Realty. His property management experience began about 10 years ago when he purchased and self-managed several investment properties. The trials and frustrations of managing the properties led to those properties being sold. A few years afterward, he decided to try again, this time using property managers. The success with the property managers piqued Duane's interest and led him into the property management arena. He is proud to be affiliated with the established leader of the industry, Real Property Management.

EHO Statement

Job Titles:
  • Expert Tips

Sheila Penister

Job Titles:
  • Co - Owner
  • Officer
Working with the public, and criminal justice system developed transferrable skills for the property management arena. Sheila's calm and level-headed demeanor allows her to skillfully respond to situations of all kinds while also complimenting Duane.