SALESFORCE - History of Changes

2024-04-05 delete cmo Alexa Makreas
2024-04-05 delete managingdirector Rob Keith
2024-04-05 delete person Alexa Makreas
2024-04-05 delete person Theo Williams
2024-04-05 insert person Kevin Wu
2024-04-05 insert person Matthew Speiser
2024-04-05 insert person Meghan Fitzpatrick
2024-04-05 insert person Pascha Hao
2024-04-05 update person_title Emily Zhao: Investor => Principal
2024-04-05 update person_title Rob Keith: Managing Director => Partner
2023-10-20 update person_title Dillon Ferdinandi: Investor, Slack Fund => Principal, Slack Fund
2023-10-20 update person_title Enki Toto: Investor, Impact Fund => Principal, Impact Fund
2023-10-20 update person_title Jessica Bartos: Investor => Principal
2023-10-20 update person_title Laura Rowson: Investor => Principal
2023-09-14 delete person Brianna Thompson
2023-09-14 delete person Dom Pusateri
2023-06-18 delete person Audrey Williams
2023-03-21 delete ceo Alex Kayyal
2023-03-21 insert ceo Paul Drews
2023-03-21 delete person Alex Kayyal
2023-03-21 delete person Amelia Capps
2023-03-21 delete person Doug Rosenbaum
2023-03-21 delete person Liz Barbe
2023-03-21 delete person Mike Ferrari
2023-03-21 update person_title Paul Drews: Partner & Head of US => Managing Partner
2022-12-24 update person_title Channing Nesbitt: Portfolio Development Senior Analyst, Impact Fund => Senior Analyst, Portfolio Development, Impact Fund
2022-11-22 insert cmo Alexa Makreas
2022-11-22 insert person Tassbieh Hassan
2022-11-22 update person_title Alexa Makreas: Head of Content & Brand => Head of Marketing
2022-10-21 insert person Channing Nesbitt