Claudio Cordara

Claudio joined Secured Globe back in 2013. He is an exeptional low level software developer with unique abilities to perform challenging reverse engineering tasks. He worked on some of our most classified parts of our technologies.

Frederic Borne

Job Titles:
  • Software Lead Tester and IT Specialist
Frederic joined Secured Globe back in 2014 as an extremely qualified and experienced software tester, and in time became our Software Lead tester and analyst. His deep knowledge and background in IT allow us to release the full potential of our software.

Ittay Mizrahi

Job Titles:
  • Employee
Ittay is a former employee at Secured Globe back, joining in 2009. Ittay is a real pro, and worked on all aspects of our web and servers needs. Ittay has over 12 years in program engineering, application programming in WEB environment such as,, C# - develop "Object Oriented" (OOP) WEB application in a .net environment. He is an expert in the development of Web Services with a wide emphasis on SOA and WSE technologies, including Visual C++ - development of complex data structures.

Ivan Voloshchuk

Ivan (Vano, as he is called by his friends) is a c++ specialists with more than 10 years of experience. He worked on our unique GUI Framework, which is an alternative to frameworks such as Qt and MFC, written purely in Win32 API. Since then he helped us with various tasks starting with fetching data from icons, converting UX design into MFC forms and further tasks we can't reveal yet.\

Leandro Cannizzaro

Job Titles:
  • Senior Developer
Leandro joined Secured Globe back in 2008 when we have just started. He focuses in the server part infrastructure, security, network administration and architecture and several low level programming tasks. Leandro specilizes in Win32 API, C++ and in TCP/IP based protocols.

Lior Lev-Ran

Job Titles:
  • Product Manager
Lior joined Secured Globe back in 2009 and served as our Product Manager, Lior was in charge of the SRS for the Wizdome copy protection system. Lior tested the Hidden Files ("Tick") Driver and created this short video which demonstrates it.

Michael Haephrati - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
Michael Haephrati is an extraordinary inventor and entrepreneur specializes in software development, cyber security and offensive and defensive technologies. Michael founded HarmonySoft in 1989, inventing the AmigaHASP (sold to Aladdin on 1991) and designed Rashumon, the first ground breaking Graphical and Multi-lingual word processor for Amiga computer. He founded Target Eye in 2000 where he invented the first lawful monitoring system for the use of governments. He developed DataTune - a data cleansing system as part of the TargetData venture in 2002. Michael masters in cyber security and is the mind behind all of Secured Globe's technology and products.​

Michal Sudolsky - CTO

Job Titles:
  • CTO
Michal has join Secured Globe back in 2013 and has worked on several classified parts in upcoming products we are recently working on, especially parts that involve low level programming in c++.

Namrata Gandhi

Job Titles:
  • Programmer
Namrata has developed several internal tools using Microsoft MFC and was the person to receive the graphic design from our designers and convert them into real working software

Ruth Haephrati - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
Ruth Haephrati is an ethical hacker and an expert in cyber security, cyber forensics, social engineering and cyber intelligence. As an expert in offensive technologies, Ruth founded Target Eye back in 2000 and lead the development of the first RAT for the use of governments. Ruth has been a part of the cyber community for the last 20 years. She is a visionary and with her creative mind has managed to invent some of the most exciting features in the Secured Globe technology. Apart from that, Ruth is a talented artist, illustrator and photographer.