Kat Roman

Job Titles:
  • Head of Production / Writer, Director, Producer
Kat cut her teeth at Smithsonian in DC and holds MFA in Producing for Film and TV (Feirstein). After years of production coordinating films, commercials, and shows, she now burns the midnight oil over drafts and edits. And looks forward to premiering some special series' soon... Favorite Film: Funny Girl Favorite Fruit: Blueberry

Sean Sonnenburg

Job Titles:
  • Head of Development / Director, Director of Photography
From Appalachia, VA, Sean began filming international docs and bolstered his lighting expertise gaffing indie films. When not in the field, he can be found deep in development on multiple Space Crow projects and collaborations. He is always looking for good human stories. Favorite Film: Lawrence of Arabia Favorite Fruit: Mango