TAMEO - Key Persons

Ana Cristina Jaccard

Job Titles:
  • Impact Analyst
Before joining Tameo, Ana Cristina was part of Symbiotics' Impact Measurement team for over two years. She has worked in the Mexican private sector as well as in governmental institutions like ProMexico, a Mexican trust fund that promoted international trade and investment. Ana Cristina holds a master's degree in Standardization, Social Regulation and Sustainable Development from the University of Geneva and a master's degree in International Business Development from the University of Neuch tel.

Anne Estoppey

Job Titles:
  • Research & Investments Analyst
Anne joined Tameo in March 2022 after four years spent in the private equity sector and in corporate finance internationally. Before joining Tameo, Anne worked for Sofina, a Brussels-based investment company, and PricewaterhouseCoopers in Luxembourg, where she advised financial institutions, start-ups and international groups on valuations and due diligence mandates. Anne holds a master's degree in Management from HEC Lausanne, with a major in the Management of Technology and Entrepreneurship. She did an exchange semester at the University of Sydney Business School.

David Pittet

David has over 20 years of experience in management and strategic planning. He is currently an independent consultant and entrepreneur. David previously held various senior management positions in consulting and pharmaceutical firms, as well as in the public sector. He is also a board member of CAP Prévoyance, AXA Anlagestiftung, Flexstone Partners (Group Natixis) and Travizory Border Security.

Gilles Bayon - CTO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Technology Officer
Gilles brings more than 25 years' experience in the information technology field, first working for the biggest European web agency notably for Kyriba/Commerzbank, PackardBell, and 3M, then as system architect consultant for SNCF, and lastly for Nestlé as business analyst and project coordinator. Since 2008, Gilles has led the IT teams at Symbiotics, in particular developing its operational and client management systems: syminvest.com. He holds a master's degree in Computer Science, a postgraduate degree specializing in networks and multimedia project management, and is a certified Professional Scrum Master.

Isabelle Maag

Job Titles:
  • Product and Risk Manager
Isabelle has over 15 years of experience in impact investing and joined Tameo in 2022 as Head of Risk and Reporting for the Swiss Investment Fund for Emerging Markets (SIFEM) mandate. Prior to that, she was the Product & Risk Manager at Symbiotics for all funds under the umbrellas Symbiotics Sicav (Lux.) and Symbiotics Sicav II. She also held different positions at BlueOrchard Finance in operations management, corporate governance and reporting. Isabelle is based in Zurich and has a master's degree in Economics and International Affairs from University of Cologne in Germany with specialization in Latin America.

Mariano Larena

Job Titles:
  • CEO of the Symbiotics Association for Sustainable Development
Mariano has been with Symbiotics since 2010, as SME consultant, REGMIFA team leader, heading the DFI relationship management, technical assistance and more recently the Impact Division. Mariano is currently the CEO of the Symbiotics Association for Sustainable Development. Prior to Symbiotics, he has held various senior management positions within German and Spanish commercial banks, as well as in microfinance and SME development in Latin America and globally.

Mirjam Garzon

Mirjam has over 20 years of experience in finance, business development and impact investing. She is the founder and Managing Partner of Impact Capital Advisory, specialized in impact & ESG investment advisory services for asset managers, banks and asset owners. Prior to that she held various leadership positions at responsAbility and Credit Suisse. She is also Senior Advisor Europe for the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN).

Ramkumar Narayanan

Job Titles:
  • Head of Products and Services
Over eight years, Ramkumar contributed to Symbiotics' research work in the areas of microfinance funds, markets, and social performance by developing reporting tools and co-authoring white papers and industry reports on these topics. Prior to his time at Symbiotics, he worked for over three years at the World Microfinance Forum Geneva, leading a working group aimed at raising awareness of the opportunities and challenges of private sector MF investments in China. Ramkumar holds a master's degree in Public Management and a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Geneva.

Roland Dominicé

Job Titles:
  • Chairman of the Tameo Board
  • Roland Co - Founded Symbiotics in 2005 and Is the Current CEO.
Prior to Symbiotics Roland worked for BlueOrchard Finance, as well as for PricewaterhouseCoopers in Geneva in management consulting, for McKesson in San Francisco in corporate finance, and for UBS Switzerland in institutional asset management. Roland is Chairman of the Tameo board and also a board member of Swiss Sustainable Finance.

Safeya Zeitoun - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive Officer
Safeya worked for five years at Symbiotics, where she focused on assessing the social and environmental impact achieved by Symbiotics' investments. She has also contributed to industry initiatives on social performance management. Before that, she was a researcher at the Access to Knowledge for Development Center at the American University in Cairo. She holds a master's degree in International Economics from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, and a bachelor's degree in Economics from the American University in Cairo.

Samuel Davies

Job Titles:
  • Marketing Manager
Samuel brings a wealth of experience to Tameo, with more than ten years in marketing and communication roles across diverse sectors, including non-profits, SMEs, IGOs, and multinational corporations. His passion lies in creating quality content and engaging media across various channels. Samuel has collaborated with numerous companies in the commercial and financial sectors to develop marketing strategies and materials and has a strong interest in digitalizing finance and financial services. Samuel holds a bachelor's degree in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics from the Open University.

Vincent Dufresne

Job Titles:
  • SIFEM Team Leader
Vincent brings over 25 years of experience to Tameo in his role as the SIFEM Team Leader. Prior to Tameo, Vincent co-founded Symbiotics and acted as CFO for nearly 15 years. Vincent co-founded and acted as the CFO for multiple companies throughout his career, including KiWi, a digital payments startup for Mexican microentrepreneurs, and INFOBAHN SA. He began his career as an auditor at Arthur Andersen. Vincent holds a degree in Finance & Accounting from University of St. Gallen.