Mollie George

Job Titles:
  • Senior Pastor
Senior Pastor Mollie George is the Co-Founder and backbone of Teshuvah Trumpet Worship Centre providing the much needed support to Reverend Chalie George and the core Leadership Team in her capacity as Senior Pastor, and Spiritual Mother to the many Papua New Guineans she has mentored throughout the years. Her Calling and Leaderhip has paved the way for Restoration and Revival within the Ministry and all levels of the community.

Reverend Charlie George

Job Titles:
  • Reverend
  • Head of Teshuvah Trumpet Worship Centre of Papua New Guinea
Reverend Charlie George is Head of Teshuvah Trumpet Worship Centre of Papua New Guinea. His calling saw the establishment of the Ministry in June of 2011 aided by his Wife, Senior Pastor Mollie George. From strength to strenght with wisdom from the Ruach HaKodash, Rev. Charlie has mentored many and provided the Leadership that has seen the Ministry extend its fellowship to other Provinces throughout Papua New Guinea which has earned the Ministry its reputation as a truly Annointed and Messianic movement with networks throughout the community, the Private and Public sectors, Government and Internationally with a mission to spread the Gospel made in Zion to the masses.