GREEN NEEDLE - Key Persons

Ludmila (Lucy) Popova

Job Titles:
  • Instructor
Meet Ludmila, tailor, artisan, educator, and the founder of The Green Needle. With over 15 years of experience in designing, producing and altering apparel, Ludmila has found her true passion: teaching others how to recycle and repurpose their wardrobes! Ludmila has been certified in design and tailoring by the Professional Lyceum of Fashion in Tomsk, Russia. She also holds a Master's Degree in Education from the Tomsk State University. In 2005, Ludmila started SewLux - a custom clothing and alteration business in Ottawa. Since 2008, Lucy has been successfully teaching sewing classes in Ottawa through Algonquin College, the OCDSB and Eco Equitable.