Aldo Bruzzone

He was born in Genoa in 1969. After high school, he graduated with full marks from the University of his city. He later acquired the title of lawyer at the Court of Appeal of Genoa and since 2011 he has been a Supreme Court officer. He has held numerous seminars on behalf of public bodies, mainly relating to the matter of consortia and network contracts; on the subject he has published a guide published by the Ligurian Center for Productivity (Genoa Chamber of Commerce). Over time he has gained experience in the field of civil law, with particular reference to national and international problems concerning companies, companies and the agency contract. He is the trustee of an important trade association. His clients include small, medium, large companies and public entities. He has been appointed arbitrator in numerous civil law disputes and has held the position of president of the college several times. He was appointed by the Municipality of Genoa as a member of the Board of Directors of the Wholesale Market Management Company, a company with mixed public-private participation. On 4 July 2003, with the lawyer Gianemilio Genovesi, founded the Studio Associato Bruzzone Genovesi (GB&A), since 2021 Agnoli BG&A. He is President of Confcommercio Professioni Genova.

Alessandra Caricato

After high school, she graduated with full marks in law from the La Sapienza University of Rome. She is enrolled in the register of Cassationists since 2006. In the course of his professional activity, he has had the opportunity to follow trials in various sectors of criminal law, acquiring professional mandates in complex judicial matters, including some well-known corporate crime trials, specializing in crimes against the public administration, corporate crimes, bankruptcy, as well as in the matter of culpable crimes related to accidents at work, medical liability, environmental and construction offenses as well as problems relating to the administrative liability of legal persons.

Alessandro Ricca

Born in Ragusa on 9 May 1989, he graduated from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan with a thesis in Criminal Procedure Law. After having completed the legal practice at the District Attorney of the State of Milan and the Court of Milan, and obtained the diploma of the Specialization School for the legal professions, she passed the qualification exam at the District Court of Appeal of Milan in September 2017. He has been collaborating with Studio Bruzzone Genovesi & Associati since 2018. He carries out his judicial and extrajudicial activities mainly in the civil and administrative fields. Since 2019 he has been a lecturer in civil law and administrative law in the ISCOT Liguria professional courses.

Barbara Armanini

Born in Milan in 1966, graduated in law from the State University of Milan in 1994, she acquired the title of Lawyer at the Court of Appeal of Milan in 1997 and since then she has always worked, as a partner, in established Milanese firms operating in the field of civil law. A cassation lawyer, over the years she has dealt with, in addition to contracts, assistance to companies and individuals, specializing in family law disputes with particular attention, in addition to the purely legal aspect, to the emotional - family aspect of her clients, having collaborated with the firm "Micaela Vannucchi & Associati" which deals with providing "multi-angle" answers to problems relating to the well-being of the person as head of legal advice.

Caterina Agnoli

Clara Savani

Dario Traverso

Born in Tortona in 1977, in 2002 he graduated in law from the University of Genoa with a thesis in Community Commercial Law. After completing two years of legal practice at the Court of Alexandria, he passed the qualification exam at the Turin Court of Appeal District. He has been collaborating with Bruzzone Genovesi e Associati since 2005 and has been an Associate since 2012. He mainly deals with assistance and litigation in the fields of Labor Law, Commercial and Bankruptcy Law, Civil Law (with particular attention to contracts) and Criminal Law of Labor, Business and Environmental, assisting both individuals and companies, including foreign a good knowledge of English. He has been an AGI member since 2019.

Eleonora Maria Guida

After a course of study in the U.S.A., he obtained the classical high school diploma in Italy. She graduated in law with full marks from the "L. Bocconi "University of Milan in 2007, carrying out part of his studies at the Universidad Argentina de la Empresa in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Federica Paci

Born in Genoa in 1975, she graduated from scientific high school in 1994. She graduated in law from the University of Genoa in 2001 and then obtained the title of lawyer in 2005 at the Court of Appeal of Genoa . Since 2011 she has collaborated with the Bruzzone Genovesi e Associati firm of which she has been associated since 2016. She deals with out-of-court and judicial consultancy in the field of civil law with particular attention to the insurance, condominium, contract and rental sectors, also providing professional advice and assistance to individuals and companies in the field of credit recovery, executive, bankruptcy and insolvency procedures and mediation procedures.

Marcello Agnoli


Born in Genoa on 22 September 1945, he obtained the Classical High School Diploma at the Arecco Institute of the Jesuits in Genoa. He graduated in Law from the University of Genoa and has been a member of the Genoa Bar since 1973.

Roberta Florio

She was born in Turin in 1963. After graduating with a degree in Law at the University of Turin with full marks (110/110), since 1995 she is enrolled in the Milan Bar and she is the Supreme Court.

Stefania Garbarino

Born in Rimini in 1965, after high school she graduated from the University of Genoa with full marks. After completing two years of legal practice at the Court of Genoa and graduating from the School of Specialization for the legal professions, she passed the qualification exam at the District Court of Appeal of Genoa. She has been collaborating with Bruzzone Genovesi e Associati since 2003 and has been an associate since 2013.